Category: Addons

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Mod.png Fahres TOS Pack Registry Upgrade Package

(2 votes)

The Constitution class starship has been available for A2 since, well.... pretty much since there's been an A2Files.

 Jetfreak 2009-10-13   19.38 MB 834 Comments: 5

Mod.png Fahres's planet atmospheres

(14 votes)

These are the new glows, which simulate a planetry atmospheres as seen the in forums a few weeks ago.

 FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER 2006-10-06   413.86 KB 937 Comments: 6

Mod.png Fair Game

(4 votes)

Some edits of the bases for all Armada II races, that adds some special weapons to the bases.

 Bread4311 2005-09-24   1.64 MB 800 Comments: 3

Mod.png Fake Repair Ship

(2 votes)

The author says it all: I'm Aishaacara2, and this is my super-duper Fake Repair Ship.

 Aishaacara2 2003-03-07   2.30 KB 661 Comments: 9

Mod.png Faster Mothership

(8 votes)

This mod basicly gives the mother ship/station the ability to move faster.

 Kardon 2003-09-03   2.85 KB 754 Comments: 0

Mod.png Fed Defiant Battlefleet

(9 votes)

A relatively good idea, a larger shipyard that builds fleets together instead of one ship at a time nice mod.

 Cylon54 2005-06-26   62.90 KB 1,119 Comments: 10

Mod.png Fed. Base Retexture

(3 votes)

This is an excellent retexture of the stock Federation Starbase. Download!

 Mangledduk 2002-11-03   168.37 KB 1,620 Comments: 7

Mod.png Federation and Klingon odf replacements

(0 votes)

ODF Replacements for the Federation & Klingon ships and bases

 PhreakShow477 2002-11-07   62.29 KB 803 Comments: 0

Mod.png Federation Battleship Refit

(3 votes)

The Nebula, Sovregn ang Galaxy Class Starships get the weaponry improved in this mod to boost up their power

 Anakin Solo 2002-06-27   7.91 KB 1,189 Comments: 0

Mod.png Federation Cloaking Technology

(8 votes)

This will add the Phase Cloak and Cloak Enhancer weapons to the Federation. Further installation Instructions can be found in the Readme.

 ClaesStefan 2002-10-17   3.08 KB 1,908 Comments: 4