Category: Mods

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Mod.png AoW 1.4 beta temp

(3 votes)

This is a temporary upload of Achilles' Art of War 1.4 beta version, intended for his use.

 Wrath of Achilles 2009-03-11   71.00 MB 1,599 Comments: 4

Mod.png Borg .ODF mod V1.0

(2 votes)

This small mod gives you new odf files for the: -Borg Cube -Borg Fusion Cube -Borg Tactical Cube -Borg Tactical Fusion Cube

 Captain Rich 2008-03-26   8.00 KB 1,263 Comments: 3

Mod.png Buildable Warp-Ins for Fleet-Ops 1.1

(4 votes)

This is an update to Buildable Warp-Ins 1.0. A fleet-cap was requested for the Steamrunner and Descent class starships and it was requested that some…

 Anonymous 2010-12-11   270.75 KB 1,201 Comments: 0

Mod.png Buildable Warp-Ins for Fleet-Ops 1.0

(0 votes)

This mod is more of an experiment to see how game balance would be effected by enabling the Federation shipyards to build some of the warp-in vessels.…

 Anonymous 2010-12-07   249.03 KB 1,069 Comments: 2

Mod.png Dominion Wars 1.0

(41 votes)

A new 10 mission campaign for the federation!

 paulhanselluk 2005-09-22   12.00 MB 8,278 Comments: 33

Mod.png Dynamic music - proof of concept 2008 Entry: Gameplay

(4 votes)

The story goes, Freyr knew he could put this together in a way that made sense.

 Freyr 2009-01-31   13.42 MB 1,017 Comments: 5

Mod.png Fast Ship Building

(7 votes)

This little modification is quick ship building... REALLY quick ship building.

 Eluvatar 2007-07-09   183.01 KB 1,384 Comments: 0

Mod.png Jetfreak's Minimod

(12 votes)

Well, this small mod add's Bussard Collectors to the Iwo Jima, and makes the Intrepid Class stronger (giving her Quantums, the ability to detect cloak…

 Jetfreak 2007-04-03   474.00 KB 886 Comments: 4

Mod.png KOTR addon for SWFC 0.5

(8 votes)

This is the long awaited KOTR mod. It adds the ships seen in hugely popular Star Wars RPG Knights Of The Old Republic to the existing Star Wars Fleet…

 Admiral_Icehawk 2008-02-08   15.08 MB 1,970 Comments: 13

Mod.png Midnight Universe 2.00

(26 votes)

"Unexpected." - That's the first word in Joelteon's review of version 1.01 of Yacuzza's Midnight Universe mod.

 Yacuzza 2007-12-21   86.58 MB 3,341 Comments: 26