Fed Defiant Battlefleet Fed Defiant Battlefleet

(9 votes)
Cylon54, 2005-06-26

A relatively good idea, a larger shipyard that builds fleets together instead of one ship at a time nice mod.
Download if you wish.

Federation battle fleet

install instructions

1. sod's in the sod directory

2. fleet.odf in the odf/ships folder.

3. fleety.odf in the odf/stations folder

4. add

fleet.odf 0
fleety.odf 0

to the tech1 folder and fulltech techtrees

5. add

buildItemXX = "fleety"
to a construction ship (where XX is the next number in line from the previous one e.g/ buildItem1


1. This uses the stock textures for fysrd1 and defiant

2. this requires the original weapons.spr file

activision, it's affiliates, sub-divisions or any other part of the company did not make this mod.

all startrek related items are copyrighted paramount

anyone can use this but please give me credit


Version    Author  Cylon54  Website   
Downloads  1,119  Size  62.90 KB  Created  2005-06-26 



#1 ZeroSystem 2005-06-26 17:12
So what, does this shipyard have 4 building HPs or something?
#2 Wraith_166 2005-06-26 20:44
Niicce. Love the idea. Finally, the enemy can't just wipe out each of your ships as they come out one by one. But a well-placed concentrated barrage of Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes would quickly defeat each fleet as it emerged. Nice idea though, and it's original, so 9/10 from me with one point subtracted because I would have liked to see a completely new shipyard, but that was too much to hope for I guess. Well done!
#3 draconis_sharp 2005-06-27 14:43
I wouldn't expect this to be as much use for capital ships, but for fighters and shuttles, it wouldn't be so bad. I've done the same for pairs of Valkyrie starfighters when launched from Typhon Class carriers.
#4 Wraith_166 2005-06-27 19:22
Draconis Sharp, you have Valkyries? Where can I get them? Are they any good, and if so, are you talking about A2 mods?
#5 NuclearFieldMarshall 2005-06-27 20:47
God, I love fighters, espically the Valkyries. AND Typhoon-class carriers? Are EITHER one of these A2 mods, or, better yet, are they both in one mod? 'Cause I'd really like to download it.

Oh, I love that fleet yard idea. Now I won't have to build 3 Advanced Yards to build ships! But yah, you should've built a new yard, like Utopia Planitia, or McKinley.
#6 Wraith_166 2005-06-28 06:32
I know for a fact you can go to armadafleetcommand.com and download a Typhoon Class assault Carrier-you have to be a member though. As to the Valkyries, I've never been able to find them on any site.
#7 draconis_sharp 2005-06-28 22:46
I accidentally stumbled across some Valkyries while surfing the web on an unrelated subject. I will release them with my mod, Convergence when or if I get permission for them.
#8 Temporal 2005-07-15 07:47
Draconis if you didn't make them can you tell us where to get them please?
#9 SuperBean 2005-07-20 13:42
I dont know what im doing wrong but i followed the instructions exactly and when i try to use it i just get a blank screen and i get told the program is non-responsive. Can anyone help me out here?
#10 darleyboy 2005-12-07 11:08
is there a way to make the station build fleets other than the defient group,cos i wanna make 4 akiras,intrepieds and so on at for at a time,it would save time AND help me kill borg easier on my modified hard mode.

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