Federation Cloaking Technology Federation Cloaking Technology

(8 votes)
ClaesStefan, 2002-10-17

This will add the Phase Cloak and Cloak Enhancer weapons to the Federation. Further installation Instructions can be found in the Readme.

This are 2 mods in one.
Phase Cloak and the Cloak Enhancer.

For installation go in cloak enhancer directory and check readme from that dir to install that mod and then go to phase cloak directory and check that readme for installation.

Afterwards, you are able to fire while cloaked. However first click phase cloak and then cloak enhancer.

Hope you enjoy.

Created by ClaesStefan
Email: stefan.claes@skynet.be
Website: http://users.skynet.be/fa341749

Version    Author  ClaesStefan  Website   
Downloads  1,908  Size  3.08 KB  Created  2002-10-17 



#1 jddbz2 2002-10-17 14:17
does it work with Borg Incursion 2 :-)
#2 ClaesStefan 2002-10-18 01:04
don't know that yet but I will check it and let you know here. oke?
#3 ClaesStefan 2002-10-18 06:34
Yes, I installed Borg Incursion 2 and then the Federation Cloaking Technology. It works just fine with BI2.

Hope this is helpfull for you Rock
#4 jddbz2 2002-10-18 10:12

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