Category: Addons

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Mod.png Wormhole Stupidity and the Neutronium Shockwave 1.0

(3 votes)

There is no readme for the map, but you know where tga, bzn, and odf files go - so that is easy to install in the game.

 Sherman2 2005-03-17   185.66 KB 825 Comments: 7

Mod.png Yonkman TLE-era Re-texture 1.0

(2 votes)

This is an alternate texture set for Fireball's recently released Yonkman Class starship.

 Jetfreak 2011-01-03   4.81 MB 838 Comments: 3

Mod.png Yuuzhan Vong SWFC addon

(12 votes)

This claims to be a fleet of Yuuzhan Vong ships, which is a Star Wars race that came close to wiping out the New Republic and the remains of the Empir…

 Valient20 2006-03-12   4.70 MB 1,152 Comments: 19