AoW 1.4 beta AoW 1.4 beta

(3 votes)
Wrath of Achilles, 2009-03-11

This is a temporary upload of Achilles' Art of War 1.4 beta version, intended for his use.


Auto-installer has readme included.

Version  temp  Author  Wrath of Achilles  Website   
Downloads  1,599  Size  71.00 MB  Created  2009-03-11 



#1 Achilles 2009-03-11 18:22
to anyone else who is downloading this it's more an alpha than a beta, I ripped it apart and put it back together, all the races AIs are up in the air and it's quite a mess.
#2 Intrepid781 2009-03-11 18:49
Hey Achilles, I think you should have included a detailed readme and some pics for yourself :D
#3 Achilles 2009-03-11 19:13
lol, I know it sounds ridiculous but I lost it and all back ups from my HD when my comp died, while it was out the (very large) file was removed from my Filefront account....

luckily The Kid rode to my rescue however it wouldn't transfer so he hosted it here, bless his cotton socks.
#4 echo7usmc 2009-03-13 09:11
Achilles I like the new ships and the upgrades to the Borg Command Cube. It didn't take overly long to be in the thick of a big battle. Nice work

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