Category: Miscellaneous

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Mod.png 10 moons

(0 votes)

By the looks of this file it is an updated verson of the 10 moons mod from 12/03.

 Twitch 2004-07-09   1.23 MB 1,024 Comments: 0

Mod.png 10 Resource Moons

(3 votes)

Adds 10 harvestable moons to Armada 2

 Twitch 2003-12-01   1.23 MB 952 Comments: 2

Mod.png 12 D and J Class Planets

(0 votes)

Here are twelve more cool planets from the usual planet master, Twich. These are D and J class planets.

 Twitch 2004-08-01   2.41 MB 823 Comments: 0

Mod.png 3,000 Ship Names

(5 votes)

3,000 NEW ship and station names for A1 or A2. A list of ship names for people making mods.

 Twitch 2003-11-29   14.99 KB 1,176 Comments: 7

Mod.png 5,000 ship names

(10 votes)

Word document with over 5,000 new ship and station names- 1,500 new since the last version.

 Twitch 2004-01-15   131.50 KB 6,331 Comments: 2

Mod.png 8472 Spy Mod

(11 votes)

This I like. Here's the description from the Readme: After testing done in the Delta Quadrant the 8472 spies have been perfected.

 Omega1989 2002-10-19   352.32 KB 1,108 Comments: 9

Mod.png A1 8472 BB

(2 votes)

Whilst this is quite basic and doesn't "do anything", I think it's pretty darn good.

 scarlatti27 2006-10-23   225.47 KB 662 Comments: 2

Mod.png A2 Klingon Lobby Design

(1 vote)

This is a small mod that will change the lobby in the multiplayer of Armada2 to have a klingon look and feel to it.

 [EEF] White Wing 2005-02-16   821.94 KB 734 Comments: 3

Mod.png A2 Map Backgrounds

(4 votes)

This lets you use the map backgrounds from Armada I in a Armada II map.

 Twitch 2004-01-06   2.99 MB 1,087 Comments: 8

Mod.png A2 Upgrade Project 1.5.1 Final - Klingon Pack/8472 Refit

(16 votes)

Yay, the final upgrade of Armada 2 Project 1.5.1 has arrived! Curtis included his new textures of the Klingons, which look really good ingame.

 Curtis 2007-08-19   20.29 MB 3,538 Comments: 0