Category: Celestial Bodies

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CelestalBody.png 12 Armed Planets

(5 votes)

Here are 12 armed planets by Twitch. They fire 4000 meter range planet phasers, and some have planet pulse phasers and long-range photon torpedoes.

 Twitch 2005-09-16   3.15 MB 2,721 Comments: 6

CelestalBody.png 12 Crazy Planets

(11 votes)

This mod adds 12 new planets to Armada 2. These planets are really cool and pure eye candy.

 Twitch 2004-05-26   6.11 MB 1,954 Comments: 8

CelestalBody.png 12 D and J class planets

(3 votes)

In this file, there are 12 D and J class planets that are very, very colorful.

 Twitch 2004-07-24   2.41 MB 1,244 Comments: 3

CelestalBody.png 12 Globes

(9 votes)

This is another pack of celetial bodies by Twitch. I think you are gonna have to look at a picture of these to see what they are, cause they are desc…

 Twitch 2004-06-02   3.75 MB 1,626 Comments: 5

CelestalBody.png 12 more planets

(4 votes)

Another set of 12 planets that fire and cloak by Twich. They are all very colorful, and one even looks like a pinecone! I guess that there could be pl…

 Twitch 2004-07-14   3.41 MB 1,624 Comments: 3

CelestalBody.png 12 new planets

(2 votes)

These are 12 new Twich planets. As normal, they are fery unique, and are armed.

 Twitch 2004-07-10   3.14 MB 1,375 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png 12 Wild Planets

(2 votes)

Some more armed planets for Star Trek: Armada II from Twitch.

 Twitch 2005-09-16   3.33 MB 1,462 Comments: 5

CelestalBody.png 4 high resolution planet textures 1.0

(4 votes)

This is a pack of textures for planets. There are replacements for the Class M, D H & L planetoids, and as the title says they are high resolutio…

 don_quijote 2010-08-15   35.38 MB 1,444 Comments: 10

CelestalBody.png 6 high resolution planets retextures [final] 2.0

(7 votes)

Here are some replacement textures for stock Armada 2 planets. And if you keep in mind how ugly stock planets are these should be a welcome package.…

 don_quijote 2010-09-05   48.79 MB 1,815 Comments: 5

CelestalBody.png 6 Planet Pack

(9 votes)

All planets are nicely done each have an Astmosphere and 1 moon

 Twitch 2002-06-07   2.96 MB 2,843 Comments: 3