Category: Celestial Bodies

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CelestalBody.png Minable Asteriod

(3 votes)

This is a new version of Rabb's minable asteroid.

 Micheal Raab 2002-09-10   176.32 KB 982 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Minable Asteroids and Minable Wreck

(3 votes)

These asteroids are a tad bigger than the standard ones, and these have the ability to be mined too.

 Micheal Raab 2002-08-01   380.41 KB 1,111 Comments: 4

CelestalBody.png Mineable Asteroids

(8 votes)

Adds 10 asteroids to Armada2 that can be mined for all the game's resources.

 Twitch 2003-12-01   852.38 KB 997 Comments: 2

CelestalBody.png Moon Base

(8 votes)

Nice little trick to keep people from colonizing planets and it looks like a moon too

 Rassilon & Quevey & Methos00 2002-06-10   128.23 KB 1,729 Comments: 1

CelestalBody.png More Planetz

(1 vote)

This adds morecreative planets made by Twitch to our collection. These planets are great for any map due to their specifc resources and are a great a…

 Twitch 2002-07-08   4.07 MB 934 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png More Planetz

(1 vote)

These are some more creative planets created by twitch. Since they most of them include specific resources it is great to use on any map

 Twitch 2002-07-08   4.07 MB 273 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png O Class Planet

(7 votes)

An excellent planet with most of it making up a huge ocean with multiple islands in it.

 Micheal Raab 2002-06-07   396.79 KB 1,086 Comments: 2

CelestalBody.png Planet Anubis - Class J

(0 votes)

This J Class Planet that looks as it is covered in a purplish metalic substance will replace the default J class planet in Armada 2

 Rassilon 2002-06-07   103.54 KB 736 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Planet Barbarosus - Class J

(0 votes)

This planet looks as it is made of pink,yellow and orage gases on the surface will replace the default J class planet in Armada 2

 Rassilon 2002-06-07   122.98 KB 666 Comments: 0

CelestalBody.png Planet Cloud Mod 1.0

(1 vote)

SpaceMaster gives us this mod which, simply, puts clouds around planets. Now any planet you want can have atmosphere with a simple .ODF tweak here and…

 SpaceMaster 2008-04-05   723.15 KB 769 Comments: 2