12 more planets 12 more planets

(4 votes)
Twitch, 2004-07-14

Another set of 12 planets that fire and cloak by Twich. They are all very colorful, and one even looks like a pinecone! I guess that there could be planets that look like these, but I'm not holding my breath.

12 Extra Planets
by Twitch - twitch90280@yahoo.com

All of these planets are armed with a 4000 meter range planet phaser. All my planets will be
armed from now on and you can use the examples here to arm any planet. I use 50000x50000 maps
mostly so you can change the range of the weapon for smaller maps in fpphas, p4phot &
ppulse.odf. Armed planets really change the game and the AI uses them pretty well. I've
added a planet pulse phaser on a couple of these planets with the same power and range as
the phaser along with long-range photons topredoes.

I had a difficult time to get planets to have weapons. First was the use of the Borg Sphere�s
SOD with hardpoints scaled up. I had to fool around with the enclosed files to get it all to
work. I�m still not certain if all the changes I made are absolutely necessary but it does work
this way and affects nothing else. The station.odf may not really help but it is enclosed. It
has resource ability and range of site added. The planet odf can over ride the station.odf on
ones you may do. The station.odf will give all your stations a long scan range but resources
only if you designate it in the actual odf. So it will not hurt anything to include it then all
stations will have long range scan ability.

The planet.odf is modified to allow weapons, alert, combat, have resources and partly give the
planet a facility definition. Special weapons are possible but they do not work well with the
AI using them even with the special energy added. The regular weapons are plenty potent.

Many of the planets now have planet cloaks. The AI does not seem to use them but the player
controlled planets will. If you cloak the planets they lose their red alert status when
uncloaked and you must restore it or they get dumb and lazy if you leave them on their own.
When cloaked they will never be seen by ship with out cloak detecting equipment. If you
cloak your orbiter and add CloakEnable = 1 at the bottom of the gorbitalbeam.odf file you
can mine while cloaked from a cloaked planet! The AI will usually not let the planet cloak
when you hit the claok icon until it has reached max population but sometimes will. I tried
having weapons that fire when cloaked but again the AI doesn't use them well at all.

If you have lots of planets like I do you can just add
more "named planets" file names to the e_planet.odf file like this:

menuTitle = "Planets"

buildItem1 = "ep_stand.odf"
buildItem2 = "ep_named.odf"
buildItem3 = "ep_named1.odf"
buildItem4 = "ep_named2.odf"
buildItem5 = "ep_named3.odf"
buildItem6 = "ep_named4.odf"

So whether you have this one extra group of planets (it would be ep_named1.odf) or more, the
above layout works by changing the number to the next in sequence to your e_planet.odf. The
example enclosed is ep_namedxx.odf

If you have a lot of planets and want to keep planet types together you can put something
like- menuTitle = "H & L Class Planets" in the heading in the ep_namedx.odf depending on what
type of planets they are- Class D, H, M, K, L & J. This makes for easier map making so you do
not have to search through many ep_namedx.odf lists. It will show types in the planet menu
when you press F10.

Now if you have gotten up to build item 12 and maxed out you can change the editmenu.odf
like this:
menuName1 = "e_fed.odf"
menuName2 = "e_kling.odf"
menuName3 = "e_rom.odf"
menuName4 = "e_borg.odf"
menuName5 = "e_card.odf"
menuName6 = "e_8472.odf"
menuName7 = "e_races.odf"
menuName8 = "e_mapobj.odf"
menuName9 = "e_misc.odf"
menuName10 = "e_planet.odf"
menuName11 = "e_specific.odf"
menuName12 = "e_planet1.odf"

Adding e_planet1.odf with 12 more slots would begin like this:

menuTitle = "More Planets"
buildItem1 = "ep_named11.odf"
buildItem2 = "ep_named12.odf" until you get to 22.


e_planet.odf -the above sample file is enclosed
ep_namedxx.odf -lists the enclosed planets -change # as needed





There is just ONE sod enclosed to keep the size of the zip file down. Just copy and rename
to each planet name, like boron.sod etc., and put in the sod folder.

boron1.tga, boron2.tga
tinker1.tga, tinker2.tga
metron1.tga, metron2.tga
saphire1.tga, saphire2.tga
agua1.tga, agua2.tga
scheisa1.tga, scheisa2.tga
twarg1.tga, twarg2.tga
chan1.tga, chan2.tga
iwo1.tga, iwo2.tga
zanza1.tga, zanza2.tga
caprice1.tga, caprice2.tga
timor1.tga, timor2.tga

wpulse.tga -This changes the pulse sprite color on many ships so don't use if you like the

As always, these mods are not Activision official stuff so proceed with care. Back up files 1st
& manually add these. To uninstall delete these and put originals back in. They can be used in
any mod that does not have a modded station.odf or planet.odf file. Even then just add the lines
I put in and it should work.

You can use any of my files in any form you want- I don't care about credit
on anything you may use- just have fun!

Version    Author  Twitch  Website   
Downloads  1,617  Size  3.41 MB  Created  2004-07-14 



#1 draconis_sharp 2004-07-14 11:18
more planets... yeah *dies a little inside*
#2 Chiletrek 2004-07-15 12:14

This is another pack of excellent planets, Good work Twitch!

And the class-M planet in the upper side is look like terraformed Mars!! (or Mars whit her ancient oceans).
#3 Twitch1 2004-07-18 08:20
More planets to come, as always.

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