Category: Other

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Model.png Bandein Class Battleship 1.0

(1 vote)

This is the Bandein class from Star Ocean 3. The Bandein class is the most used ship in the Veendeni fleet and the only Veendeni Ship ever seen in St…

 Adam_Atlantian 2008-04-04   2.12 MB 727 Comments: 0

Model.png Battlefleet Gothic (Imperial) Lunar Class Cruiser

(6 votes)

I always like ships that are a bit different to the norm of Star Trek ships we get on here, something different obviously to put up and review, but I…

 ragnar603 2007-05-08   835.98 KB 1,609 Comments: 22

Model.png Behemoth Battlecruiser 2.0

(5 votes)

The 2nd installment of EAS' Behemoth Battlecruiser. Consult the ReadMe for changes.

 EAS_Intrepid 2006-12-11   1.77 MB 1,340 Comments: 10

Model.png Behemoth Battlecruiser

(5 votes)

This is a great rendition of the Behemoth Class battlecruiser from StarCraft.

 EAS_Intrepid 2006-12-07   1.43 MB 908 Comments: 9

Model.png Bender (from Futurama)

(6 votes)

What the... ?? The most evil and ultimate force of the universe has finally made his way to A2.

 PROGArrO 2008-04-10   1.54 MB 634 Comments: 8

Model.png Bender from Futurama 2.0

(2 votes)

This is a replacement for the current version which contains a wrong SOD. I have a few issues with my image editor so the superweapon button may appe…

 PROGArrO 2010-09-27   1.86 MB 500 Comments: 2

Model.png Birthday Donut

(17 votes)

Well...ta-daa! Here's a treat for you (and us). The birthday of Armada 2 Files would not be complete without a ceremonious donut to help move along th…

 FahreS @ -=WiCKeD=-HARKER 2007-05-30   1,016.79 KB 606 Comments: 14

Model.png Blue Hope

(3 votes)

Ever heard of the game "Blue Wish Resurrection Plus"? Not long ago me neither! I was pointed to it by a video on youtube and learmed it's a 2-D compu…

 Merough and FahreS 2008-07-03   2.48 MB 773 Comments: 2

Model.png Breen Attack Ship

(8 votes)

An AWESOME ship from Leoman! It looks almost exactly like the series!DOWNLOAD!

 LeOmAn 2002-10-11   589.32 KB 2,132 Comments: 4

Model.png Breen Battleship

(2 votes)

A Breen Battleship for A1, by Sherman2 WARNING This ship overwrite the standard Breen Battleship, remember to back up your files before you install…

 Sherman2 2004-10-20   1.03 MB 1,237 Comments: 8