Behemoth Battlecruiser
The 2nd installment of EAS' Behemoth Battlecruiser. Consult the ReadMe for changes.

Behemoth Battlecruiser by EAS_Intrepid
1. Introduction and Copyright
2. Ship(s) icluded
3. Contents
4. Installation instruction
1. Introduction
This is the Terran Federation Behemoth class Battlecruiser of the popular Starcraft game. I fitted it with 2 pulse phasers as well as a Yamato gun.
If you are unhappy with the weapons, I really don't care, as I wanted to make this model open o the public as soon as possible. he mesh in this version is compatible with A1 and A2!
(C) Mesh by EAS_Intrepid;
(C) Design by Blizzard Entertainment; STARCRAFT
You are allowed to use it in your mod, after asking for permission. The readme of V1 stated otherwise, thus I declare it as OBSOLETE. Ask for permission if you want to use it in your mod.
Edits of textures are very welcome, but please send me an e-meil to ask for permission so I know what you want to do with it.
You are NOT allowed to change the mesh itself. If you are unhappy with something, then post it on the forums or write me an e-mail!
You are allowed to change mesh and textures (muahaha, funny, esp because there are none). But before you do that, I want to have an e-mail with what you are going to do.
Porting the mesh to a game is fine with me! Just write me an e-mail and tell me that you do so.
Also I would like to be given credit if you use my model in a render, even if the model you use for it is a changed version.
contact: eas_intrepid(at)freenet(dot)de
2. Ship(s) included
Behemoth class Battlecruiser
Simply said: it is a spaceworthy moving fortress. A heavy warship designed to enforce peace in the Terran Federation. During the Zerg War itr showed its weaknesses however.
3. Contents:
FSCBehemoth.sod --> /sod
SCBtex1.tga --> /textures/RGB
SCBtex2.tga --> /textures/RGB
SWBeng.tga --> /textures/RGB
SCBlights.tga --> /textures/RGB
FSCBehemoth.odf --> /odf/ships
gyamato.odf --> /odf/special_weapons
yamato.odf --> /odf/special_weapons
At first put all the files into the folders where they belong. Where that is can be found above at the Contents.
Open the fyard2.odf and put these line into it:
buildItemX = "FSCBehemoth.odf"
The X is for the number of the ships in the file.
So when your last ship is "cassault" and it is stated >>buildItem4 = "fbattle"<<, then the number that replaces the X is an 5.
when you did this, open the and put these lines into the federation ship section:
FSCBehemoth.odf 0
also add these lines to the Federation Special Weapons section:
gyamato.odf 0
If you want to use the ships in freetech, open and add these lines, too.
Now open the guiglobal.spr file in your sprites folder.
look for the section with the build buttons for the Federation ships.
Look for >>b_fspecial gbfspecial 0 0 64 64<<
under this line, put this:
b_scbehemoth gbscbehemoth.tga 0 0 64 64
then look for the special weapons button section.
This should be the last line of it: >>b_ghologen gbhologen 0 0 64 64<<
under that line, paste this:
b_gyamato gbyamato 0 0 64 64
yeah, that should be it!
Now good hunting, Captain!
Version | 2.0 | Author | EAS_Intrepid | Website | |
Downloads | 1,346 | Size | 1.77 MB | Created | 2006-12-11 |
You totally rock!
Now all I need is a wraith w/fire-while-cloaked hehe....or some Protoss ships. = )
anyways great job!
scalesod = X.X
can be found somewhere in the odf, if not, then place it there and fill in the Xs with a scale.