Category: Miscellaneous

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Mod.png Alternate Temporal Rift Sound

(0 votes)

This is a different Temporal Rift sound, that is much longer than the original.

 Space Man 2002-09-04   1.20 MB 659 Comments: 0

Mod.png Apocalypse .ODF & in-game files

(10 votes)

This file enables you to use my SSA Apocalypse Packages. You may be required to download all ofthe packages in order for this to work, this should be…

 Transmission 2005-09-16   16.87 MB 1,438 Comments: 22

Mod.png Armada 2 ODF Replacements

(3 votes)

Replacements for ODF's in Armada 2

 Chris Edmund 2002-11-07   660.97 KB 967 Comments: 2

Mod.png Armada II Tractor Beam Mod

(4 votes)

This mod changes the game so all ships have shield protection, and all ships except for (tactical) fusion cubes have a tractor beam.

 Damar 2004-02-24   2.40 KB 1,080 Comments: 0

Mod.png Armada II Upgrade Project 1.4

(16 votes)

Another new version of the Upgrade Project by Curtis & Freyr. It is said to be brilliant, and going from past work, I'd agree.

 Curtis 2007-02-02   49.69 MB 5,472 Comments: 21

Mod.png Armada II Upgrade Project, Vanilla Ultimate V 2.0.0

(16 votes)

Vanilla Ultimate is the latest iteration of the Upgrade Project. In this case, a picture speaks a thousand words, so take a look at the screenshots b…

 Freyr 2008-11-28   92.41 MB 5,195 Comments: 34

Mod.png Assimilatable Cloak

(4 votes)

This mod makes the Cloak assimilatable. Cloaking TFCs, here we come!

 8of5 2002-08-07   252.05 KB 1,654 Comments: 8

Mod.png Assimilation Mod Mod

(52 votes)

This is a mod of the assimilation mod by Trekkie9. Check it out if you want.

 trekkie9 2004-02-24   2.41 KB 787 Comments: 9

Mod.png Babylon 5 Armada II Pach 1.0.1

(35 votes)

This is a pach for the Babylon 5 Armada II mod available Here. This should fix a few problems people may have been having.

 Rivendell Studios 2003-11-27   224.02 KB 9,982 Comments: 9

Mod.png Bio-Matter Nebulas

(5 votes)

If a species can collect bio-matter (e.g species 8472), this mod allows them to get it from these nebulas.

 Chiletrek 2004-01-18   114.83 KB 782 Comments: 3