8472 Spy Mod
This I like. Here's the description from the Readme:
After testing done in the Delta Quadrant the 8472 spies have been
perfected. Now, once a Fluidic Gate has been built, a Spy Station can be
constructed. Once this is finish, a modified Scout can be built, which
carries an 8472spy and a cloaking device. The spy can be beamed aboard any ship/station, even while cloaked.
Ingenious Idea!
_______________________________________ _____________________________________________
(_______________________________________)8472 Spy MOD(_____________________________________________)
/ \
| |Author: Omega1989
| |
| |E-mail Address:matthew.chartham@virgin.net
| |
| |Added: 8472 Spy ship, station and special weapon.
| |
| |Version: V 1.0
| |
| |Installation: Just unzip 8472_spy_mod.zip into your Armada II directory.
| |Description: After testing done in the Delta Quadrant the 8472 spies have been
| | perfected. Now, once a Fluidic Gate has been built, a Spy Station can be
| | constructed. Once this is finish, a modified Scout can be built, which
| | carries an 8472 spy and a cloaking device. The spy can be beamed aboard any
| | ship/station, even while cloaked.
| |
| |Legal Stuff: You may not any part of this MOD without my permision, which can be obtained
| | through e-mail. You may post this MOD on your website as long as this readme
| | is included, though it would be nice if you sent me an e-mail to tell me.
| |
| | Enjoy!
Version | Author | Omega1989 | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,105 | Size | 352.32 KB | Created | 2002-10-19 |
It started contacting the server, and it wasn't there
(I use Getright by the way)
Hope they fix the problem on Filefront soon.
P.S. Who voted 1 and why? I just want to know so I can improve the MOD.
Getright (and other DL utils) try to use multiple "channels" which file front won't allow!
Try and cancel any other "channels" that getright trys to start. (use the "options" menu) and then "resume" the first "channel".