Wormhole Stupidity and the Neutronium Shockwave Wormhole Stupidity and the Neutronium Shockwave

(3 votes)
Sherman2, 2005-03-17

There is no readme for the map, but you know where tga, bzn, and odf files go - so that is easy to install in the game. The weapon included in this mod is the Neutronium Deep Seismic Intersubspace Shockwave. The map included in this mod has a ton of wormholes (71 +/- 1 wormholes) and 30 planets. There are also an extreme amount of dilithium moons. I tell ya, the map can support a heck of a battle given the amount of resources available! Download if you want!

NDSIS Detonation Sequence Weapon by Sherman2
NDSIS stands for: Neutronium Deep Seismic Intersubspace Shockwave

very cool, lasts from 60 seconds to 20 mins and could take your base out!

ndsis wboreNDSIS 0 0 128 32 @anim=tex1x4

Into Weapon.spr^^^

b_gndsis gbndsis 0 0 64 64

Into Gui_Global.spr^^^

gndsis.odf 0

any techtrees you want^^^(tech1.tt, freetech.tt, ETC...)

weapon# = "gndsis"
weaponHardpoints# = "hp##"
(Replace # with number(s))

into a ship/station^^^
Odf: Sherman2
ShockwaveTexture: Sherman2
Author: Sherman2
beamTexture: not entirely sure but i think its Fleet Ops
what are you waiting for???.... GO DO IT NOW
Enjoy the weapon, it won't be in fleet Ops though :'(
Sherman2 a.k.a Admiral Remore

Version  1.0  Author  Sherman2  Website   
Downloads  825  Size  185.66 KB  Created  2005-03-17 



#1 MajorPayne 2005-03-17 23:28
One word......LAAAAAAGGGGGG.

Still. Quite humourus at the same time. I would say trying to work out which wormhole connects to which is funny as hell.
#2 SHERMAN2 2005-03-18 10:47
Didn't mean for em to be posted together :P oh well, The thing you should know about the map is, The Wormholes aren't all safe, some dissapear after use, some kill you, some do both! and that weapon.... wooo boy nasty.
#3 Elrond 2005-03-18 11:21
Hehe - the element of surprise. I like that! I'll have to take use of a map like this for the UA Mod. And that weapon - that would be a great weapon for the Universal Conquerers to use - very nasty weapon - just tried it - wow. Didn't look pretty on the enemy I used it on! I was losing a battle at first against an overpowered enemy and then finally got use of this weapon, used it, and then said to myself, "I think I'm gonna be sick" (lots of destroyed starships and stations everywhere). Rock
#4 SHERMAN2 2005-03-18 11:35
Thats why its a super weapon.
#5 Elrond 2005-03-18 14:14
That's why it kicks a$$
#6 SHERMAN2 2005-03-19 07:27
Thats why i get to post last.
#7 Deathbyteacup 2005-03-19 07:42
No, its why i do.

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