Category: Addons

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Mod.png SW Dreadnaught Upgrade

(0 votes)

This upgrades the speed, firepower, sheilding, & hull strength on the Dreadnaughts in the Star Wars: Fleet Command mod.

 Captain Steve 2003-06-22   5.82 KB 701 Comments: 3

Mod.png Tactical Advantage

(3 votes)

Nice Title/Pun, eh? This will give you a Tactical Fusion Cube when you play as Borg in MP from the start of the match.

 WASAAP 2003-01-18   56.21 KB 572 Comments: 1

Mod.png Temporal Station upgrade

(5 votes)

This is a mod that changes the tempral research station, it gives it phasers, torps and better shioeld, also a cloak and a devistating self-distruc…

 Unknown / Anonymous 2003-03-09   1.34 KB 965 Comments: 3

Mod.png The Sporanis

(6 votes)

Well... I'm not too sure what to make of this, in short, it's a combined Section 31 / Tal Shiar & Remans.

 ArcherScott 2006-05-02   2.45 MB 939 Comments: 2

Mod.png The Sporanis The Final Chapter

(3 votes)

Introducing the Sporanis II from ArcherScott. This is an rejigged version for last year's Sporanis Mod which itself was an expansion of the Romulans.…

 ArcherScott 2007-09-12   2.42 MB 664 Comments: 2

Mod.png Ultra Borg Mod 2.0

(5 votes)

This is the Seccond version of the Ultra Borg mod for Star Trek Armada II, This mod add's new textures for borg stations and ships, new stations, a fe…

 Yacuzza 2005-01-15   6.21 MB 1,376 Comments: 2

Mod.png Ultra Borg Mod 1.0

(8 votes)

This is the Ultra Borg Mod, By Yacuzza, for Star Trek: Armada II. This mod add's new textures for borg stations and ships, new stations, a few new shi…

 Yacuzza 2004-12-19   5.35 MB 1,479 Comments: 13

Mod.png Valiant Class for FleetOps ONLY

(3 votes)

This mod adds the Valiant class starship to Fleet Operations. Please note that the same mod is available for stock Armada II: http://armada2.filefro…

 Omega_Mod_God 2009-10-01   1.04 MB 770 Comments: 2

Mod.png Warbird Mod

(4 votes)

This is the description he sent me: This is a new warbird mod that makes the warbird and griffen more powerful as they have disruptor cannons.

 Cpt Geddes 2002-09-28   167.83 KB 889 Comments: 0

Mod.png Warbird Refit

(4 votes)

Just a small mod that will make some changes in the Warbird. Here's all the changes: More Shield strength and Hull Shield Inversion B…

 Justin 2002-10-19   84.96 KB 657 Comments: 1