Category: 7 Player

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Map.png 4 planet diamond

(4 votes)

Captain_H - The map has Class Moon Planets, minable wreks, asteroid class 2s, asteroid class 1s, Class O Planets, and Class JIII Planets all done by…

 Captain_H 2003-02-11   46.54 KB 916 Comments: 2

Map.png 7dlg1ck

(3 votes)

This is a big map, with 4 starting positions on top, and 3 on bottom. This is not too bad of a map, even with only one wormhole.

 [DLG] ClanKilla_TPG 2002-06-26   52.69 KB 998 Comments: 0

Map.png 7rock

(1 vote)

This is 7rock. A 7 player open space map created by Ntanel StormBlade The map gives no natural protection (asteroids, Nebula) for your fleet.

 Ntanel StormBlade 2007-08-06   39.60 KB 613 Comments: 0

Map.png 7rock2

(0 votes)

The is an alternate version of the map 7rock. This version includes two asteroid belts with six wormholes which changes the way the 7rock map can be p…

 Ntanel StormBlade 2007-08-06   65.13 KB 623 Comments: 0

Map.png 7_8472cent

(4 votes)

The map has 8472 ships and stations in the center with a Class J Planet and four blackholes.To get to the other players, you must first go through the…

 Captain_H 2003-01-17   80.01 KB 1,129 Comments: 2

Map.png 9 ball 7

(2 votes)

First mod from Staingar, and it sounds a little too complicated-- This is my first map and I hope everyone likes it. It's a 50,000 by 50,000 map.

 staingar 2009-05-16   124.95 KB 599 Comments: 1

Map.png Deep Space 9 (Map)

(12 votes)

This one's just not going to work, I'm afraid. As much as I'd love to see a map that worked on this ground, I'm sad to say that this isn't the map tha…

 oberlerchner123 2008-11-23   45.09 KB 770 Comments: 6

Map.png Hydra 7 player map

(2 votes)

A large 7 player scenario this map is centred around the mythical Hydra. A gigantic monster of ancient Greece.

 Dark Star 2005-01-25   105.00 KB 1,115 Comments: 1

Map.png Salvage

(1 vote)

To some people, number 7 is a lucky number. This map is pretty darn good. What's the connection? A 7 player map.

 danocorno 2006-04-19   152.23 KB 1,428 Comments: 2

Map.png TJP IKS Tribute Map

(2 votes)

This map know as IKS Mama in game is name after IKS Mama after hearing he was leaveing A2files I deside to name my next A2 map after him as a thank y…

 Trevor J Plikington 2008-03-05   434.30 KB 680 Comments: 1