4 planet diamond 4 planet diamond

(4 votes)
Captain_H, 2003-02-11

Captain_H - The map has Class Moon Planets, minable wreks, asteroid class 2s, asteroid class 1s, Class O Planets, and Class JIII Planets all done by Mickle (not spelled right) Rabb. There are infinate moons around the center diamond. There are transwarp portals at the starting positions going to the other bases. With standard wormholes that lead into the center diamond.

- nice map!

Developer: Captain_H
Email: bwkilgore@plateautel.net
File Info: Next map, 7 players

Thanks for downloading my newest armada II map, I had always wanted to make my own maps so this is next in what I hope will be a long line of them.

Please read the discription on the .zip for more details.But, to install just unzip and put into the bzn folder.

Please send any comments or questions to the email address above.

Version    Author  Captain_H  Website   
Downloads  920  Size  46.54 KB  Created  2003-02-11 



#1 STGamerNew2002 2003-02-11 14:06
Yeah, I like it much. :-) Can you tell me what's the best program/weay that I too can learn to make maps to share as well?
#2 sphinxanator 2003-02-12 14:57
looks pretty good 8)

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