Category: Map Packs

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Map.png Demon map pack

(2 votes)

This is a map pack with 4 maps in created by Demon

 Deemon 2004-07-09   128.03 KB 1,236 Comments: 0

Map.png Derelict Map Pack

(11 votes)

This is a map back by Bread4311. It contains six maps, that are quite well done.

 Bread4311 2005-11-06   2.45 MB 2,500 Comments: 3

Map.png Dragon Master's Map Pack 1.0

(2 votes)

This map pack includes three maps. Two are modified from other maps and the third is the author's own. They include "very difficult" AI.

 Dragon Master 2004-09-22   159.87 KB 1,019 Comments: 3

Map.png Fleet Operations Map Pack

(0 votes)

Nightshades first map pack converts many classic stock multiplayer maps across to Fleet Operations.

 Shady and Lubu 2010-02-07   539.31 KB 952 Comments: 1

Map.png Fleet Ops maps

(2 votes)

Hope u like these 3 new Fleet Ops maps i just made them over a span of 2 days Chintoka System (first map i messed with) Death zone (second map i cre…

 Shady 2010-01-29   265.96 KB 943 Comments: 1

Map.png Hells Door Map Pack 1.0

(7 votes)

Here is a decent map pack for Armada 2. There are two maps, each with a size of 14,000x14,000 blocks. Both maps are pretty similar.

 The_Predator 2005-03-17   111.59 KB 1,011 Comments: 4

Map.png Jarada Map Pack

(0 votes)

This file contains three maps by Jarada. The three maps came as individual downloads, but to save time, and to make sure they all got uploaded, I cond…

 Unknown / Anonymous 2007-06-10   190.57 KB 697 Comments: 1

Map.png Johns First Map Pack

(2 votes)

Finally, John's first map pack includes three very nice maps. Also has a new map, "Goodluck".

 johndavid240 2003-12-03   213.09 KB 1,006 Comments: 2

Map.png Johns Fourth Map Pack

(4 votes)

A map pack containing 3 differently styled maps

 johndavid240 2003-12-19   104.00 KB 977 Comments: 6

Map.png Johns Second Map Pack

(2 votes)

A collection of four maps by John, including two that have never been relesed before.

 johndavid240 2003-11-11   186.46 KB 940 Comments: 5