Category: Map Packs

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Map.png TJP Death Corridor Pack

(1 vote)

A map pack from Trevor J Pilkington, who's been quite busy lately with his wormholes and corridors of death.

 Trevor J Plikington 2008-02-25   1.64 MB 705 Comments: 2

Map.png Tripes Map Pack 4.1

(2 votes)

67 Maps here for A2, must have taken a considerable amount of time to create them all.

 Triple 2007-07-01   2.41 MB 771 Comments: 1

Map.png Triple's Map Pack 6

(2 votes)

The 6th version of my mappack featuers as always old and new maps, that I created over the years.

 Triple 2008-08-30   2.66 MB 851 Comments: 2

Map.png Triple's map pack

(6 votes)

This is a map pack from Triple. For all those that don't know, Triple is one of very few people still producing (playable) A2 maps that are used onli…

 Triple 2006-10-13   1.01 MB 834 Comments: 8

Map.png Triples Map Pack 2.0

(0 votes)

Another wide set of maps here, with a total count of 8 maps (unless I've mis-counted).

 Unknown / Anonymous 2006-12-24   1.29 MB 761 Comments: 1

Map.png Trips Mappack 5 5.0

(0 votes)

An upgraded set of Triple's old maps, with some new additions as well. Most of the seventy maps in this pack are for online gaming so if you prefer in…

 Triple 2008-05-19   2.51 MB 735 Comments: 1

Map.png Ultimate Map Pack: 39 Maps

(22 votes)

The Map Master Johndavid240 is here with the largest Map Pack i have ever seen him produce, A Staggering collection of 39 maps! If your a map fan then…

 johndavid240 2004-08-01   2.90 MB 7,775 Comments: 13

Map.png Unusual Maps (Map Pack)

(1 vote)

Well, here is a little map pack includes 10 maps made by Darthrado. All the maps are very creative but that is almost all about it.

 darthrado 2007-07-27   1.11 MB 856 Comments: 4

Map.png Waste Of Space V1 to 4 Pack

(2 votes)

Here is a map pack from the ever great Trevor J Pilkington. This pack contains five maps (6 player each).

 Trevor J Plikington 2005-10-07   2.84 MB 1,043 Comments: 1

Map.png [SFU]-Mappack 1.0

(22 votes)

This is the first mappack created by member Jack and Trekynator of the Star Force Union Clan.

 Lifty 2009-05-22   731.72 KB 1,083 Comments: 0