Hells Door Map Pack Hells Door Map Pack

(7 votes)
The_Predator, 2005-03-17

Here is a decent map pack for Armada 2. There are two maps, each with a size of 14,000x14,000 blocks. Both maps are pretty similar. The first one has a wormhole and the second has more nebulae. There are lots of planets and plenty of resources so that when you play the map, you can collect resources to your heart's content so that you can build your massive fleet and unleash it upon your enemies!

Name of map: Hells Door© and Hells Door2© (the map dont live up to its name)

size of map: 14000 by 14000

time spent on map: 12 hours

maker of map: The_Predator

to install place here C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn

this is my first map spend 3 hours fixing the bugs so now there is NONE then 9 hours updating.

would like to thank the 11th clan for there help with the map

sign: EnsEvil-11thFleet-

Plz do Not modify this map with OUT my permision

Hells Door is a copyright of the 11th fleet all rights reserved

copyright 2005-2008

Version  1.0  Author  The_Predator  Website   
Downloads  1,011  Size  111.59 KB  Created  2005-03-17 



#1 the_predator 2005-03-17 21:55
forgot to add that the 3rd wormhold on the bottom center doesnt lead anywhere was going to fix it but didnt get around to it
#2 Captain_Mario 2005-03-29 14:40
dude why did u put the files in to a RAR file it makes it harder to open and us the files i find
#3 Captain_Mario 2005-03-29 14:41
and the 3wormholes at the bottem. 2 will conect to eaach other and only 1 will be seprate
#4 the_predator 2005-03-29 20:34
i put it to what my pc has if it has zip folder thats what it uses and if i have rar it goes as that

and if you want my permission to edit/fix up this map E-mail me my e-mail is

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