Dragon Master's Map Pack
This map pack includes three maps. Two are modified from other maps and the third is the author's own. They include "very difficult" AI. If you like maps, I would suggest a download. See the readme fore more details.
Hi, this map pack consists of the following 3 maps:
1st: A modified "Fluidic Space with Resources" map from "John's Ultimate Map pack" with new 7 player option and a very hard AI 8472.
2nd: A modified "Badlands" map i found in another map pack, it wouldnt work as it had no cameras so I just added those and also added a very hard Klingon AI.
3rd: A map of my own creation called Oblivion. This also features a evil Borg AI (emphais on EVIL!).
Thats about it, to install copy all the files in the bzn folder to the real bzn folder in your armada 2 directory.
One word of caution though, stay away from the center in Oblivion!
Dragon Master
Version | 1.0 | Author | Dragon Master | Website | |
Downloads | 1,019 | Size | 159.87 KB | Created | 2004-09-22 |
first, what you did right:
>you changed the map description (specificly where it had my initials at the end)
>you changed the map name
>you, at least, gave credit in the readme
now, what you did wrong:
>you didn't get my permission
>you didn't at least let me know you were doing this
i should note one more thing... i tested to see if the maps would run, and the second two ran... fluidicresources2 didn't run.... and i re-tested my original map and it did run...
i don't care about the other two.. if you can go in and delete that one map (which may not work anyway... if someone who has downloaded it has got it working, please tell me) that'd be fine... i'd hate his entire pack to be deleted, but i would love for the map he modified from my pack to be pulled...
if he had made that map from scratch (which it isn't hard to do anyway), that would have been fine aswell... and it would have been nice of him to say it was based on my map (not required in that specific scenario)... but as he said, he modified mine... all my maps are originals... some based on each other...
*looks at mini-map image*
i think he overcluttered it.. i've learned not to put too much in all maps (some of mine still have a lot in them, but they still run)
and, yea... i know i have limited rights to mods, but map mods are more... personalized.. than other mods (at least in my opinion)
...sorry if i got to rambling on...