Category: Romulan

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Model.png Romualn Norexan Class Warbird 1.0

(0 votes)

Lately we've seen a lot of this particular warbird, but this mod offers the Norexan class for Armada I.

 Pepperman 2008-06-15   2.13 MB 982 Comments: 1

Model.png Romulan Ahllhu'anofv-sen (Switch Blade) Morphic Strike Cruiser for A1

(0 votes)

The Ahllhu'anofv-sen (Switch Blade) Morphic Strike Cruiser has been designed to carry out a variety of roles by utilizing its unique geometry.

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   881.20 KB 705 Comments: 2

Model.png Romulan Command Center for A1

(0 votes)

The Romulan Command Center serves as the central command and control node for the Romulan fleet.

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   1.27 MB 757 Comments: 3

Model.png Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird A1 1.0

(4 votes)

This mod makes Neon's Romulan D'deridex Class Warbird available to the A1 community.

 Pepperman 2009-01-22   1.98 MB 799 Comments: 0

Model.png Romulan Draconarius Class Cruiser for A1

(1 vote)

One of the latest additions to the Romulan fleet, the Draconarius-class is a sleek and deadly attack cruiser, capable of inflicting punishing damage t…

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   1.77 MB 749 Comments: 1

Model.png Romulan Draconyx Class Warbird for A1

(0 votes)

The Draconyx Class Warbird is Romulus' latest attempt to replace the mighty D'Deridex Class Warbird.

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   827.25 KB 791 Comments: 0

Model.png Romulan Raptor Class Refit for A1

(0 votes)

The Romulan Raptor Class Torpedo Cruiser has been refitted with new warp engines, medium disruptors for defense and dual torpedo launchers that fire t…

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   1.26 MB 721 Comments: 0

Model.png Romulan Shrike

(3 votes)

The Shrike class is a favorite of the Tal Shiar, the Romulan Intelligence Agency, for its stealth and speed.

 Pepperman 2007-04-29   2.18 MB 830 Comments: 2

Model.png Romulan Thandor Class Fast Attack Cruiser for A1

(1 vote)

The Thandor class fast attack cruiser is one of the newest ship designs to come from the ship design yards at Romulus.

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   806.84 KB 709 Comments: 0

Model.png Tal Shiar Warbird - N'Neikha Class for A1

(1 vote)

The N'Neikha Class is a Tal Shiar Warbird designed for combat operations. It is equipped with Shield Inversion beam, phasers, disruptors and photon t…

 Pepperman 2008-06-16   929.51 KB 844 Comments: 0