Waste Of Space V1 to 4 Pack Waste Of Space V1 to 4 Pack

(2 votes)
Trevor J Plikington, 2005-10-07

Here is a map pack from the ever great Trevor J Pilkington. This pack contains five maps (6 player each). Some intresting designs here, that make of intresting and varied gameplay, especialy when playing on a full map the action is quite enjoyable. Worth adding to your collection.

Waste Of Space V1 to 4 Pack
By Trevor J Pilkington
6 Players maps

They are all the same map as Double Shipyard Haven but with the shipyards. There are 5 maps in this pack. When y have all 6 players on it a lot of battles are going on because u all have to go though each other bases which make it a bit hard. A to hell with I let u people at armada 2 files write about since y doing a batter job them me. (all yer there also 6 new Photo as extras in this map pack 3 pics of Cows and 3 of sheep. they was let out on a starship destroying it that the 2nd time that happen to the feds maybe they should not keep pet on board starships). V3B does not work on my pc but maybe u be able to fix it.

Insteall into your C:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II\bzn

sorry about my spellings



This file is also at www.yahoo.com/groups/games/TJPArmada2map/

Other map I had done this year

TJP Fed Base V1,2
TJP Fed Base II V1,2
Double Shipyard Haven

Map I had done for C & C genaels

TJP Double Island Lake
Terran Empire Island

Version    Author  Trevor J Plikington  Website   
Downloads  1,043  Size  2.84 MB  Created  2005-10-07 



#1 Pinky_20 2006-01-10 17:47
i think ill download this and give it a try. it sounds fun. 8)

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