[SFU]-Mappack [SFU]-Mappack

(22 votes)
Lifty, 2009-05-22

This is the first mappack created by member Jack and Trekynator of the Star Force Union Clan. In the Mappack you will find some FFA, Teamgame- and Trainingmaps.

That are the Maps:
- 2 Fronts
- Bloodrage
- Der Korridor
- Festung
- The day of glory
- Maneuver
- Planet battle
- 4 War Extreme (very official map ;-))
- 4 War Extreme SFU-Mod

Open the Zip-File and copie the files to the bzn folder in the Armada II root folder.

Have fun with the maps :-)

Version  1.0  Author  Lifty  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,083  Size  731.72 KB  Created  2009-05-22 


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