1500 Ship Names 1500 Ship Names

(15 votes)
Twitch, 2002-07-14

Having trouble thinking of a ship or station name for your new mod?.....Well this is just right to solve your delema
Version  2.0  Author  Twitch  Website   
Downloads  3,297  Size  38.50 KB  Created  2002-07-14 



#1 Guest 2002-07-23 02:38
a lot of good names, but I've never seen a klingon ship called “Fug’ me” "fuk'Yu" or "Muk Fug"

The klingon ships need the IKS beginning
#2 WASAAP 2003-03-13 18:57
thats....ummmmm..............allot of names...........TONS............if i might add...................ehehehe............
#3 Guest 2003-04-05 08:02
nice but i've noticed that there are alot of repeted names, even in the same section i.e. in the colony ship section "New Realm" and "Eden" are in there twice, also there are a few names in there that are already in the game... some good names in there though

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