Star Trek: Assimilation
Finally, a new Total Conversion! This one's a real doozy too. I asked Ed to write me a little desciption of the mod, but he wrote a huge essay!

Have a read:
Borg Ships And Stations
Advanced Tactical Cube
Description: The advanced tactical cube is the most advanced borg vessel ever developed, This vessel is capable of
simultaneously engaging 8 fusion cubes.
Dilithium: 44800
Metal: 9600
Latinum: 0
Race: borg
Crew: 43200
Build Time: 320 seconds
Officers: 768
Health: 144000
Weapons: 1 Class 220 borg disruptor beam
1 Class 220 borg torpedo
Special Weapons:
Holding Beam
Tractor Beam
Technology Assimilator Beam
Description: The diamond has undergone extensive modifications by the collective, The ship can also recrew like a station.
Dilithium: 550
Metal: 200
Latinum: 0
Race: borg
Crew: 350
Build Time: 50 seconds
Officers: 20
Health: 1200
Weapons: 1 Class 6 borg disruptor beam
1 Class 2 borg torpedo
Special Weapons:
Repair Beam
Ultritium Burst
Computer Override
Shield Remodulation
Transwarp Drive
Diamond Integrator
Special Technology:
Regenerative Hull Armor
Fused Diamond
Description: This vessel is the result when 6 diamonds and a diamond hub is fused, The ship can also recrew like a station.
Dilithium: 3300
Metal: 600
Latinum: 0
Race: borg
Crew: 2130
Build Time: 240 seconds
Officers: 120
Health: 7200
Weapons: 1 Class 8 borg disruptor beam
1 Class 22 borg torpedo
Special Weapons:
Repair Beam
Ultritium Burst
Computer Override
Shield Remodulation
Transwarp Drive
Special Technology:
Regenerative Hull Armor
Borveon Class Orbital Facility
Description: The borveon class is a orbital mining facility, it mines metal, has long-range weapons and sensors, and is capable of assaulting planets.
Dilithium: 3000
Metal: 3000
Latinum: 0
Race: borg
Crew: 500
Build Time: 100 seconds
Officers: 10
Health: 7500
Weapons: 4 Class 22 borg disruptor beams
Special Technology:
Regenerative Shields
Regenerative Hull Armor
Federation Ships And Stations
Miranda Class
Description: The Miranda Class was upgraded during the Dominion war, it is now the most powerful Destroyer in the Federation fleet.
Dilithium: 150
Metal: 100
Latinum: 0
Race: federation
Crew: 200
Build Time: 12 seconds
Officers: 8
Health: 315
Weapons: 2 Type IX Phasers
2 Type II Photon Torpedoes
Dauntless Class
Description: Equipped with Quantum slipstream drive, The Dauntless class is useful for rescue operations.
Dilithium: 350
Metal: 200
Latinum: 0
Race: federation
Crew: 250
Build Time: 25 seconds
Officers: 10
Health: 700
Weapons: 1 Type X Phaser
1 Type IX Photon Torpedo
Special Weapons:
Quantum Slipstream Drive
Arcaidia Class
Description: This vessel is by far one of the federation's most advanced, it is equipped with some of the latest proven technology.
Dilithium: 550
Metal: 200
Latinum: 0
Race: federation
Crew: 300
Build Time: 22 seconds
Officers: 11
Health: 700
Weapons: 2 Type X Phasers
2 Type V Quantum Torpedoes
Special Weapons:
Quantum Slipstream Drive
Stealth Technology
Norway Class
Description: This vessel was originally designed for scientific and survey operations However, due to the latest borg
threat, this ship has been converted into an highly experimantal temporal science vessel.
Dilithium: 550
Metal: 200
Latinum: 0
Race: federation
Crew: 450
Build Time: 40 seconds
Officers: 20
Shields: 800
Armor: 1200
Weapons: 1 Type XII Phaser
1 Type II Temporal Phase Torpedo
Special Weapons:
Quantum Slipstream Drive
Multi-Targeting Phasers
Temporal Shift Device
Temporal Stasis Field
Tractor Beam
Special Technology:
Regenerative Shields
Self-Regenerating Ablative Armor
Relativity Class
Description: The Relativity class is a highly advanced temporal battle-cruiser. This vessel is a radical departure from standard federation ship design:
because of it's armor, very complex technology, and it's enhanced weapons and shields, the ship takes more resources than an entire fleet to build.
Dilithium: 2000
Metal: 2000
Latinum: 1200
Race: federation
Crew: 800 (with a boarding party strength of 10)
Build Time: 150 seconds
Officers: 80
Shields: 20000
Armor: 40000
Weapons: 2 Type XV Phasers
1 Type V Temporal Phase Torpedo
Special Weapons:
Temporal Stasis Field
Temporal Gate
Point Defense Phasers
Special Technology:
Regenerative Shields
Self-Regenerating Ablative Armor
Enhanced Phasers
Temporal Phase Torpedoes
Nova Class Orbital Facility
Description: The station is an orbital mining facility, it mines metal, has long-range weapons and sensors, and is capable of assaulting planets.
Dilithium: 3000
Metal: 3000
Latinum: 0
Race: federation
Crew: 500
Build Time: 100 seconds
Officers: 10
Health: 8000
Weapons: 3 Type XII Phasers
2 Type VII Quantum Torpedoes
Special Technology:
Regenerative Shields
Regenerative Hull Armor
Temporal Phase Torpedo: The temporal phase torpedo is an entirely new technology employed by starfleet,
these are Mark V torpedo casings equipped with a high-yield plasma warhead, and a temporal phase inverter.
This unique combination allows the torpedo to phase through a target's shields and deliver a massive explosion on the targets hull.
The result is that the target's shields are not weakened at all by this weapon, but it's hull integrity is massively reduced,
so that a target can be destroyed even while it's shields are at 100%.
These weapons are also able to pass through the corbomite reflector and point defense phaser.
Regenerative Shields: Regenerative shielding uses the main deflector to route power directly from the warp core to recharge the shield array.
This allows the ship's shield recharge rate to be exceptionally high.
Self-Regenerating Ablative Armor: This technology is implemented by plating the hull with a heavy plating of a carbon-neutronium alloy,
then installing a long-range replicator in the ship to automatically repair any damaged section of the armor;
allowing a ship to survive in combat long after it's shields drop. This technology is the only known practical defence against temporal phase torpedoes.
Quantum Slipstream Drive: This technology is based on an alien device observed in the delta quadrant. It opens a quantum singularity
to any point up to 40000 meters allowing the vessel to instantly travel to that point.
Temporal Gate: This device opens a wormhole to any explored point in space, allowing the vessel to travel instantly to any explored region.
Temporal Shift Device: This device shifts the vessel's temporal phase, causing the vessel to disappear from the current space-time continuum.
So since the vessel technically does not exist, it can pass undetected through objects such as asteroid fields, nebulas, and weapons without harm.
However because of the unique sub-space properties of tachyons, a ship under temporal shift can still be detected by tachyon-based sensors.
Isokinetic Cannon: This weapon fires a phased plasma projectile that is capable of passing through targets with even the heaviest shielding,
and delivering heavy damage directly to the target's hull.
All federation intrepid class vessels have been outfitted with this weapon.
Stealth Device: This device is similar to the effect of a cloak, except it can engage and disengage much faster,
and it does not require any special energy.
All borg combat vessels have been enhanced, and they cost more now too.
All race's torpedo turrets have been upgraded as well.
The intrepid class vessels have been outfitted with isokinetic cannons.
Excellent work.
Startrek Assimilation Mod by EdTheBorg:
The borg have reached the galaxy M33 via a wormhole that was discovered to lead there from the delta quadrant, and assimilated a new advanced race which specialized in micro-technology. As a result, the borg have been able to significantly enhance all of their combat vessels without any size increase; The borg has also released a new, massive cube that is well beyond anything the borg have built yet.
With this new vessel the borg have high probabiltity of assimilating or destroying every race in the delta quadrant, then the surrounding quadrants.
Meanwhile the federation (in response to the large numbers of borg cubes observed by U.S.S. Voyager in the delta quadrant) has gone into over-production of new weapons, technology, and defensive systems.
During this over-production the federation has integrated several experimental temporal technologies into many of the new vessels and weapons being released.
These technologies have proven very effective against alpha quadrant species (they have been tested on some alien uprisings with results far beyond designer's expectations), but it is unkown to starfleet if the borg will be able to adapt to this new technology.
Also since contact with U.S.S. Voyager, starfleet has received plans for the isokinetic cannon, as well as data on the design of a alien vessel equipped with quantum slipstream drive.
Please refer to install.txt for instructions on installing to Armada 2 retail version, as well as Armada 2 Demo.
Version | Author | edtheborg | Website | ||
Downloads | 6,367 | Size | 7.49 MB | Created | 2003-01-25 |
love the relativity class
Hope this helped u out