Sigma Sigma

(11 votes)
The_Undying_Nephalim, 2010-08-17

We received this a couple of weeks ago, but due to a few issues with the backend system (such as the server transfer being done when I did the first upload and then the new CMS eating this 800MB file. Twice!) it's taken a little while to get this on the site. Sorry for the delay.

In the meantime i've had. um, a little time to play with this myself seeing as I downloaded it myself before trying to approve this a couple of weeks ago. In short, you want this. You really want this. When you've been playing with the first beta release of a major total conversion for a fair time and the biggest issue you can find is that some of the ships don't have enough lighting (they can be difficult to see with the low ambient lighting) then you know your looking at something pretty extraordinary.

- Freyr

And now a few words from the developer;-

After over a year of development, I am happy to announce the first version of Sigma available to the public. After several months of beta testing with members of FO, I feel that the game is currently in a form playable to most gamers. In this demo will will have the chance to either command the reptilian Zevestivan or the unity of mankind known as the V.R.A. Each side has a distinct flavor, look, and playstyle (The Zevs being a traditional RTS faction while the V.R.A. are very micromanagement intensive.) In addition, the entire 2 hour + soundtrack comes free with this demo.

Since this is a demo, there's still much more content to be added (such as three more playable sides and more voiceovers). There's a lot in this demo, but still plenty more to come!

- The Undying Nephalim

Thank you for downloading this version of Sigma, I hope you enjoy.

What's included in this version?
- Two playable factions (The V.R.A. and Zevestivan)
- Multiplayer supported through GameSpy, Tunngle, and Hamachi services
- Ten maps for both single and multiplayer matches
- Over two hours of soundtrack composed by Monarchy One
- A strategy guide with pictures to help those unfamiliar with RTS games

Installation: Simply run the installer. Be sure to install it in a new folder, NOT over your Armada II or Fleet Ops directory.

Known Glitches:

- When playing on higher resolution settings, the intro movie will appear on the top left corner of the screen rather then centered.

- If using Windows Vista or Windows 7, when you first start Instant Action mode the game will be set to a nonexistant map. Simply select a map from the list to bypass this.

- When playing on Windows Vista or Windows 7, occasionally the game will crash when choosing Random as your faction.

- Occasionally NPC stations and Destructable Asteroids will appear to have Ekoset Shield Generators despite the fact that they do not.

- The map Eurokan Prime occasionally crashes and/or causes massive lag spikes in multiplayer.

- Fighter craft sometimes fail to launch from the V.R.A's HQ Hangar. Ordering the Hangar to guard the HQ usually causes them to launch.

- The A.I. is still unstable. Occasionally on lower difficulty settings the A.I. will fail to build much resistance.

- Pathing and collision detection is still unstable. Occasionally ships will pass through corners of stations.

- Placing Fleet Operation specific objects in the Map Editor can cause crashes.

- When playing a multiplayer LAN game through Tunngle or Hamachi, occasionally the game will freeze for up to five minutes when trying to connect to the lobby. This usually only happens the first time you log onto a LAN game.

- Sometimes when exiting the game it will crash before returning to the desktop.


Project Director
- The Undying Nephalim

3D modeling

- CanadianBorg
- The Undying Nephalim

- The Undying Nephalim

Music Composed by:
- Monarchy One

Beta Testing
- TimeMech
- Dominus Noctis
- Mal

Voice Overs

- Erin Grimsley
- Duke Robear
- Laura Blizzard
- Unleash Mayhem
- Bryan Stein
- Tai Gochnour
- Chasen Lindsey

FO Team
- DOCa Cola
- Optec
- Detektor
- Remoter
- Overlord/Zeich

(If I forgot to credit you for some reason, please contact me asap so I can add in your name)

Sigma © 2001-2010 *UndyingNephalim. All rights reserved.

Version  Beta 1  Author  The_Undying_Nephalim  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,152  Size  793.78 MB  Created  2010-08-17 



#1 apoclaydon 2010-08-17 10:51
awsome demo mod look forward to seeing the rest
#2 dan1025 2010-08-17 11:32
An amazing example of truly creative modding, the map units (space faring life forms for the most part) alone make this worth downloading.

If the beta is this good, the full mod should be spectacular.

#3 Majestic_MSFC 2010-08-17 16:25
Is this a standard A2 mod? Or is it a Fleet Ops mod?
#4 Adm_Zaxxon 2010-08-17 18:20
Its a fleet ops mod
#5 Adm_Zaxxon 2010-08-17 18:24
sorry to double post

It is for FO,. but it is a TC for a TC, and the models aren't as high poly as regular FO ships(I think) and I believe you shouldn't have any problem playing it.
#6 The_Undying_Nephalim 2010-08-17 19:42
Very excited to finally see this up, definitely was worth the wait. Rock

As for the modding questions, it counts as an FO mod, though you must install it in it's own directory. The Readme pretty much says it all in regards to that.
#7 Dominus_Noctis 2010-08-18 08:49
Beautiful to finally see this up! Congratulations TUN :-)

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