Ghost's Compilation Mod Ghost's Compilation Mod

(87 votes)
Danielcp2, 2004-05-08

This is something of a treat for all you Federation fans out there. The créme de la créme of pretty much everything Federation, from Constitution to Sovereign, from Oberth to Prometheus, it's more than likely your favourite ship from the humans is in here. It's an amazing pack, through and through. Downloading this is guaranteeing some fun time with it, but it does have a few issues (although easily outweighed by the advantages). So lets get those out of the way.

Teching up to get to your favourite high-end ships takes a good long time, with build times at that point being on the more frustrating side of long. That's not to say early on you don't have variety, as upon building the first shipyard, you are granted with the weakest ships the Federation has to offer, but also some fighters which are quite potent, which is the emphasis of this point; I don't think I could truthfully say this mod is too balanced. Sure, building is balanced and you need one hell of an economy to get everything you want, but why bother teching up to Excaliburs and Prometheus' when a fleet of fighters at the beginning of the game will do the job? It also lacks balance against any other race; fantastic as this compilation is, it has no counterpart in no other race, meaning it kind of sticks out like a sore thumb. Further issues come in the fact that whilst the tech tree is also long, it also seems a bit odd in places, which ships becoming buildable at times when you'd have thought they should've been some time back, but becoming redundant through newer, better ships whilst also not being needed because you simply have too much choice and that might seem odd for this type of game, but I can honestly say this mod perhaps charges you with too much choice.

But, that's all the bad stuff I have to say. The rest is golden bars all the way. Most of the ships stand the test of time to now, being the best available for their respective ship, although unfortunately some are outdated (but easily replaced with enough looking for such ships). Those remaining from stock, particularly the planets, get a nice little buildbutton/wireframe uplift, making all content seem new, even when it is not, an ability few, if any, other mods can boast about being able to do. Whilst choice is plentiful, it's the kind of choice that no other mod can simply offer you, unless you threw a load of ships into your personal installation, but then you'd have to balance them with each other yarda yarda yarda. The fact the mod is fully campaign compatible makes it a bit more fun, although missions will take longer as you have to endure the overlong tech tree.

Ships are given specials that relate to them, such as Excelsiors, being the backbone of your fleet at one stage, offers the Aegean's task in stock to restore shields, but another varient gives it the ability to transwarp, like it was supposed to. The loading screen, whilst seemingly thought of with little regard, has been updated to a very cool new shot, seemingly worthy of wallpaper for your desktop and the list goes on and on. The plethora of ships and stations to go through is simply phenomenal and once again, I stress that no other mod offers such variety. You're even give a starting unit of the Enterprise and as your tech progresses, you can 'upgrade' your Enterprise through the time line until you get to the recent powerhouse of the Sovereign version, which can be brought alongside a hero Defiant and Voyager, complete with authentic sounds. As much as possible, this mod does everything right and is literally perfect for Federation fans.

And so a summary has to come. Whilst less 'Armada' and more build-one-ship-of-each-class-because-it's-fun-to-do might not win you the war, it's certainly a good peageant. And, actually going against what I said, it will win the war. The majority of ships have a purpose and those that don't look cool, so you admire them for that. You'll seldom find yourself running out of things to do with this mod, but in the end, its excellence needs another excellent compilation pack to rival the Federation's brute strength. Even if you don't like the Federation, this is a mod to show all others just how to get the job done and it does it fantastically. Thumbs up, 5 stars and all that jazz. Download a classic.

******** Ghost's Compilation Mod ********
******** Federation Side v1.0 ***********
DISCLAIMER - You are installing this mod at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage to you and/or your possesions.

Welcome to my Compilation Mod. This Mod is a combination of my favorite models and weapons in the Armada Community.
Let me say this once now and again later. I take no credit for any model and their original textures, they are the inherent property of their makers.
If you are the maker of a model in this please inform me and I will remove it from future versions.
All of the models contained are avaliable for download from mods and individual ships.

- All new ships and stations as properlyed scaled as possible.
- Each ship has its own phaser and pulse phaser to allow for proper scaling and strengths.
- All new Enterprise Upgrade system that will allow you go through the entire Enterprise starship line.
- Build times and research times increased.
- Physics reworked for better gameplay.

Gameplay Tips:
- Construction of ships and stations takes allot longer, be sure to have enough defenses in place to allow for this.
- Research time is also lengthed and costs more.
- Shipyards cannot repair ships, only repair stations and some starbases can.

Installation Instructions:
**** These instructions will not work with other mods installed. ****
- Copy all Files and Folders in the Star TreK Armada II folder contained in this compressed folder into their respective folders in your Star Trek Armada II Folder on your computer.
- Overwrite all files already contained in the folder.

UnInstall Instructions:
- Insert you Star Trek Armada II CD and choose the Re-Install option.

Known Issues:
- Constitution Refit photon fires out back of HP.
- Dauntless Photon fires out of top of HP.

Spartan Class Outpost - Model:Activision Texture: Mangledduk
Regula Class Outpost - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
San Fransisco Class Shipyard - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Algol Class Shipyard - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
McKinley Class Shipyard - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Sacramento Class Shipyard - Model and Texture: Phantom
Kiluauea Class - Model:Activision Texture:Ghost (Original Texture taken from Nineof9's Spacedock)
Spear Class - Model and Texture: Activision
Irouquois Class - Model and Texture: Major A. Payne
Blue Ridge Class - Model and Texture: Activsion
Sirius Class - Model and Texture: Activsion
Mars Class - Model and Texture: Activsion

SpaceDock - Model and Texture: Nineof9
Darius Class Starbase - Model and Texture: Major A. Payne
Deep Space Nine - Model and Texture: Nineof9
Subspace Relay - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Mark III Defense Platform - Model and Texture: Activsion
Mark VI Defense Platform - Model and Texture: Activsion
Cyclone Defense Platform - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Argus Array - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Remmeler Class Repair Station - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Midas Array - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Jupiter Station - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Manheim Class - Model and Texture: Activsion

Coronoda Class - Model and Texture: Activsion
Merced Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Kaiser Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Emissary Class - Model and Texture: Nineof9
Olympic Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Raven Class - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Venture Class - Model and Texture: Activsion
Danube Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Pergine Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Delta Flyer - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Antares Class - Model and Texture: Deemon

Oberth Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
NX Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Centaur Class - Model and Texture: PaperStreetSoap
Miranda Class - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81
Constellation Class - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Constitution Class Refit - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81

Nova Class - Model and Texture: Nineof9
Sabre Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Defiant Class - Model and Texture: Nineof9
Intrepid Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Intrepid Class X-Refit - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Steamrunner Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Yeager Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Norway Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Dauntless Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project

Ambassador Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
New Orleans Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Nebula Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Galaxy Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Galaxy Class Refit - Model and Texture: Admiral
Galaxy Class X-Refit - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Dawnstar Class - Model and Texture: REDRAGON Conversion: APCMKII

Akira Class - Model and Texture: SolidSnake
Excelsior Class - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Excelsior Class Refit - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers
Sovereign Class - Model and Texture: Admiral
Sovereign Class X-Refit - Model and Texture: Millenium Project
Prometheus Class - Model and Texture: Deemon
Excalibur Class - Model and Original Texture: Millenium Project Texture Alteration: Ghost

Enterprise NX-01 - Model and Texture: Deemon Voice Over: ussambersa
USS Enterprise NCC-1701 - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81 Voice Over: Jediknight2150
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81 Voice Over: Jediknight2150
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B - Model and Texture: Captain Fingers Voice Over: Jediknight2150
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-C - Model and Texture: Millenium Project Voice Over: Activision
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81 Conversion: Micheal Kelly Voice Over: Activision
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-DX - Model, Voice Over, and Texture: Millenium Project
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81 Conversion: Micheal Kelly Voice Over: Activision
USS Voyager NCC-74656 - Model and Texture: Pnuemonic81 Conversion: Micheal Kelly Voice Over: Unknown (Had it so long can't find who)
USS Defiant NX-74205 - Model and Texture: Nineof9 Voice Over: Unknown (Had it so long can't find who)

Slipstream Drive - Model, Buttons, and Texture: WestWorld
Photon Torpedo - Texture: Millenium Project
Type6 Photon Torpedo - Texture: Millenium Project

Splash Image, Loading Screen, Wireframes, Build Button, Admiral Log Images, ODFs, Physics, Sprites, AIPs, Weapons, TechTrees - Ghost

Again I take no credit for the models and their original textures.
If you encounter problems with the mod please e-mail.
I will not help with installation issues, its not that hard.
Enjoy and have fun.


Thanks to:
Ambassador for being a beta tester even after the fiasco of getting a working download.
Relient for also being a beta tester.
All the modelers and texturers represented in this mod.


Copyright and Distribution Permissions


Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation,Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek : Enterprise (plus the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures,
as are the characters, related images, and sound from the productions.

Version  1.0  Author  Danielcp2  Website   
Downloads  15,139  Size  45.28 MB  Created  2004-05-08 



#121 klmr55 2007-11-17 11:47
As a newcomer to game mods I am very pleased with this one. I usaully don't write these post but I had to do this one.

Good job
#122 marcus_suridius 2007-12-03 11:57
Fair play for this mod, I just installed it and had a game and its just out of this world. Also the upgraded ship limiter is a good addition, you might aswell call it Star Trek Armada 3 Ghost's Wars :thumbsup:
#123 insert_name_heer 2007-12-12 10:06
whenever i play on freetech (instant action) nothing can build anything. also, the AI is close to invincable, they alredy have battleships and drednoughts before i can even start building the sacremento class shipyard
#124 Species9311 2008-01-08 17:38
im dwnlwdng now. it sounds awesome!
#125 cooguy1 2008-02-07 15:45
:borg: it is sweet you have to download it TODAY
#126 2cdempster 2008-09-20 13:34
Danielcp2 is it possible that i may have permission to use a few of your ships for star treck legacy. if no then thenk you for at least reading this. if yes then thank you very much.

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