Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Patch 3.0.7 Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Patch 3.0.7

(28 votes)
FleetOps Team, 2009-06-08

IMPORTANT: This patch is ONLY compatible to the full FO version 3.0.6, installing it over any other prior version will result in a corrupt installation.

The first patch for the latest Fleet Operations full version has been released. It fixes several bugs and changes the balancing.

The most important changes:

  • Hovering Special Weapon buttons now shows their range on selected ships
  • Further AI adjustments and improvements. AI players have been renamed to Normal, Hard and Merciless
  • Collision deals greatly reduced damage against stations
  • Rescaled the Borg construction costs on most vessels, causing reduced cost for smaller Borg units, but reduced the rate at which Connections accumulate
  • Borg vessels won't continue movement after using "Refresh Cycle"
  • It is now possible to use normal warp-in if you have less then three free warp-in slots. As Star Fleet has no ships to spare, vessels exceeding your warp-in cap will leave the sector immediately
  • Shield Breaking Torpedo may now target stations, energy costs increased
  • Fixed a bug in the craft ai causing a multiplayer out of sync issue

- TParis

Fleet Operations - Armada II Total Conversion Patch
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Fleet Operations Development Team


Version 3.0.7 7th June 2009

- Hovering Special Weapon buttons now shows their range on selected ships

- General
- Further AI adjustments and improvements. AI players have been renamed to
Normal, Hard and Merciless
- Dominion
- Collision deals greatly reduced damage against stations
- Borg
- Rescaled the Borg construction costs on most vessels, causing reduced cost
for smaller Borg units, but reduced the rate at which Connections accumulate
- Sensor relay energy costs reduced and resource costs slightly increased
- Adaption Matrixes may now also acquire a service contract to allow allies
to repair
- Borg vessels won't continue movement after using "Refresh Cycle"
- Federation
- Starfleet Command construction time increased to 120 seconds (bf.: 90)
- It is now possible to use normal warp-in if you have less then three free
warp-in slots. As Star Fleet has no ships to spare, vessels exceeding your
warp-in cap will leave the sector immediately
- Klingon
- Shield Breaking Torpedo may now target stations, energy costs increased

- All Dominion prototypes have the correct attributes now
- In rare situations a previously owned derelict vessel could get command-able
- The Dominion Attack Destroyer now explodes on ramming right away again,
instead of floating dead in space first
- The Dominion Attack Destroyer won't use it's Collision attack when on high
weapon autonomy anymore
- Fixed a bug in the craft ai causing a multiplayer out of sync issue
- Fixed a bug that prevented the AI from recrewing recrew-capable stations
and vessels
- Under certain circumstances vessels using special weapon toggles could
cause a multiplayer out of sync issue while cloaking or docking to a
repair station
- Some special weapon toggles unintentionally would deactivate when
cloaking or docking to a repair station
- Fixed a rare crash on loading a savegame
- Station shuttle-traffic lost it's animation after loading a (save)game
- Explosions didn't expire correctly and were still visible and
appeared 'frozen' after a loading a savegame
- Federation Phalanx Class vessels no longer produce an "Error"
graphic when firing
- Federation Veteran rank Saber Class vessels may now use their
hyperimpulse correctly
- Romulan Generix refits use the correct ammount of Veteran slots now
- General Helev's Intelligence Center still counts as a special station
once leveled up
- Canaveral Class Tachyon Scans works as intended again
- Canaveral Class officer abilities are working as intended now
- Borg Detectors may refresh their cycles now
- Dominion Cascade Feedback deals damage as intended now - finally
- Klingon Alternative Armament disables the engines correctly
- Veteran Mixed-Tech Akiras (Dominion) will still fire two torpedoes
on Veteran rank
- Veteran Mixed-Tech Defiants (Romulan and Klingon) will keep their new
special abilities on Veteran rank
- Fixed the insane use of Nanites when on high special weapon autonomy
- Corrected some invalid Defensive Values for certain Tavara configurations
- Leveled up Federation Akira Class vessels will show the correct visual
effect once Defensive Patterns are activated
- Fixed various issues with vessels of the same type not being selected when
double-clicking them
- Tooltips
- Federation Warp-In will now display the current vessel limit again
- Removed obsolete references to priority from some Borg tooltips
- Upgraded starbases will now show their correct weaponry

The full chancelog can be found in the readme file after installation.

Version    Author  FleetOps Team  Website  Website external 
Downloads  3,116  Size  2.79 MB  Created  2009-06-08 



#1 valiantofficer 2009-06-08 17:07
Is it just me, or does the AI Borg not build actual cubes? Something I noticed before that I have never faced off against a cube.

#2 TParis 2009-06-08 17:09
just returned from vacation, fixing the download asap
#3 Return_of_Elrond 2009-06-08 21:29
An excellent improvement in the realism of it, finally got to try it all out and it's quite a mod! The descriptions I've been reading for a while make it sound like a completely different (and way better) game, but the descriptions don't do it justice when compared to playing the mod! Anyone who hasn't played it is missing out on something that will show you first-hand how much better Armada can be, and I'm not just kissing a$$ with this comment, usually I don't give a crap about anything that goes on on the internet these this is my honest review...three words: good, da*n good!

Try it on Merciless mode, at least once, you'll love it even if you're not good at playing the game! If you're not prepared, get ready for a real struggle!

Fleet Ops shows how far Armada II can go! This is the kind of product you get when the customers receive what they want, and the team does it all for the pride of doing it! Too bad most companies can't be like that. I remember the 8-bit days when there were good games and there were bad games, and then there were games that were ehhh, in the middle. Armada II was a fairly-decent game, not bad but not legendary, more like in the middle. Armada II is 4/10, Fleet Ops on Armada II is 10/10. Fun, better graphics, more options, more strategy, more realistic, and I'm not as aware that I'm playing a game, more like I'm actually a real Starfleet Admiral, sending ships into the fray and not knowing if they'll come back, or if it might be a massacre, or the yearning for victory that might be fulfilled.

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