Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Patch 3.0.2 Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Patch 3.0.2

(5 votes)
FleetOps Team, 2009-02-18

The FleetOps team has released another patch for its popular Fleet Operations mod for Armada 2. It includes all changes from the 3.0.1 patch and is compatible to 3.0 and 3.0.1 installations.
These are the most important changes:

  • Reimplemented Save Game mode (experimental)
  • New model for Klingon Mining Station (check screenshot below)
  • The Excelsior is ready to support Federation players via Warp-In (check screenshot below)
  • Fixed a bug that causes a crash while integrating Regeneration Modules in a Borg Scout Cube

- TParis

Fleet Operations - Armada II Total Conversion Patch
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Fleet Operations Development Team


Version 3.0.2 16th February, 2009

- Reimplemented Save Game mode (experimental)
- Avatar icon now has a tooltip with info about the previously selected Avatar
- Global Unit build Cost slider range increased (max 5x)
- New model for Klingon Mining Station
- The Excelsior is ready to support Federation players via Warp-In

- General
- Increases the robustness of the shield-generator-subsystem when hit once the
shields are down
- All Mixed-Tech unique designes do no longer cost credits, but are limited
to 20. Their resource costs got slightly adjusted. Same applies to some other
credit-costy units like the Phalanx Class
- Maximum count of fighter carriers reduced to 5 (bf.: 7)
- Dominion
- Dampening Missile special ability duration reduced to 3 seconds (bf: 5) and
special energy costs increased to 57 (bf: 48)
- Breen Technology officer ability subsystem failure duration reduced to
1 / 2 seconds (bf: 2 / 4) and drained special energy increased
to 13 / 26 (bf: 7 / 14)
- The Hyperspace Artillery will now only require a Technology Lab to be
built (bf: Ketracel White Facility and Large Construction Yard)
- Collision special ability (A-20 Attack Destroyer) damage increased
- IS-Bomb special ability supply costs decreased to 10 (bf.: 20)
- Romulan
- Tavara Class credits costs increased to 8 (bf: 6) and construction costs
decreased to 832 dilithium, 282 tritanium and 35 supply (bf: 962 / 331 / 40).
Construction time increased
- Sabotage special ability (Intelligence Center) damage increased a bit
- Greatly reduced the Serkas Class Quadcobalt Torpedo rumble effect
- Concave Plasma Coil special ability supply costs decreased to 1 (bf.: 2)
- Federation
- Starfleet Chassis costs increased to 400 dilithium and 200 tritanium for
level 1, 800 dilithium and 400 tritanium for level 2 and 1200 dilithium
and 600 tritanium for level 3 (bf: 300/150, 600/300, 900/450).
Construction times increased slightly
- Changed the formula at which Starfleet Chassis were incorporated into the
Federation Techtree costs, causing a very slight increase in Federation
construction costs
- Each vessel has its unique set of vessel names now
- Warp-In will now send 3 ships at once, but the cooldown has been increased
to 300 seconds (bf: 180). As the ships still cost 2 credits each, the total
credit costs of Warp-in has been increased to 6. Increased the chance to get
larger vessels like the Galaxy Class
- Slightly increased Federation research times, as they can research multiple
technologies at once, because parts of their research tree takes place in
the yards
- Increased the Phalanx Class base attributes to 44 Offensive, 46 Defensive
and 20 System (bf.: 42,44,19)
- Avalon Class (Fleet Admiral Risner) has been moved from Experimental Warp-In
to the Eraudi Yard as a credit-free vessel and got a new Officer ability
- Klingon
- Polaron Torpedo special ability duration reduced to 5 seconds (bf: 8 )
and special energy costs increased to 225 (bf: 104)
- Polaron Field special ability special energy costs increased to 423 (bf: 76)
- Scrambling Probe special ability supply costs decreased to 3 (bf.: 20)

- Fixed a bug that causes a crash while integrating Regeneration Modules in a
Borg Scout Cube
- Some ships wouldn't turn correctly to face an enemy vessel
- The costs shown and utiliized for the ReplaceWeapon and DetectorWeapon are
now correctly calculated when playing with a custom global build cost setting.
That applies to most vessel upgrades and the Sensor Ping special ability.
- Corrected behavior of the Avatar icon when boarding an enemy starbase
- The Klingon Field Yard Extensions do now have correct hit positions
- The Klingon Dominion-Mixed-Tech Vutpa' has now the correct crew capacity
- Max Rank Defiant Class torpedoes do now deal correct damage
- Map Editor
- Fixed the messed up layout of the map options dialog in the editor
- Map descriptions are now saved correctly

Version    Author  FleetOps Team  Website  Website external 
Downloads  1,516  Size  9.11 MB  Created  2009-02-18 



#1 Intrepid781 2009-02-18 12:18
Yay for being able to save the game! The station and Excelsior look nice as well.
#2 dan1025 2009-02-18 14:00
Fantastic looking excelsior, nice work! :-)

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