Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Beta 3 PR Patch 1 Star Trek Armada II: Fleet Operations Beta 3 PR Patch 1

(25 votes)
Doca Cola, 2006-06-30

This should fix a few errors and isn't too big. For those who wish to know the fixes, please read below.

To install, just run, follow setup instructions and ready you are.

Following fixes and changes were made:

Fixed a bug causing observer mode to crash
Fixed a bug that brought up confuse error messages (like not enough crew) if
chosing the doubled-resource setting for play
Removed the volume light option because of multiplayer conflicts
Fixed invalid hotkey for the Federation Defence Platform
Missing screenshot folder is now created during install
Loader Armada execution aka. splash screen hang now fixed
Campaign selection menu won't generate a CTD anymore
Supply is no longer returned from decommission
Gamespy Arcade support restored by providing a fake armada2.exe file
for gamespy
Fixed a bug causing the map "Homeworlds" to crash
Adjusted the damage for weapons with very high reload times
Balance changes:
Starfleet Command
Costs increased to 1400 Dilithium 700 Tritanium (bf: 1200 / 300)
Torpedo Platform (Admiral Mayson)
Constructiontime increased to 70 seconds (bf: 60)
Descent Class
Descent Class Quantum Torpedos do now deal the proper damage
Is now correctly considered a large-sized vessel
Slightly reduced the costs and Offensive Value of all Klingon Vessels
Field Yard
Costs increased to 800 Dilithium 200 Tritanium (bf: 640 / 160)
Battle Yard
Costs increased to 1120 Dilithium 280 Tritanium (bf: 800 / 200)
Imperial Yard
Costs increased to 1440 Dilithium 360 Tritanium (bf: 960 / 240)
Cloaking Generator
Constructiontime reduced as intended to 60 seconds (bf: 100)
Plasma Bolt special ability
Is now correctly considered a torpedo and can miss its target
Norexan Class
Increased the rate of fire for the Pulse Disruptors
Tavara Class
Increased the rate of fire for the Pulse Disruptors


This Patch is for Fleet Operations 3.0 PR only!


Version 3 Preview Release Patch 1 17th June, 2006
- Fixed a bug causing observer mode to crash
- Fixed a bug that brought up confuse error messages (like not enough crew) if
chosing the doubled-resource setting for play
- Removed the volume light option because of multiplayer conflicts
- Fixed invalid hotkey for the Federation Defence Platform
- Missing screenshot folder is now created during install
- Loader Armada execution aka. splash screen hang now fixed
- Campaign selection menu won't generate a CTD anymore
- Fixed installer problems with some Armada II CDs
- Supply is no longer returned from decommission
- Gamespy Arcade support restored by providing a fake armada2.exe file
for gamespy
- Fixed a bug causing the map "Homeworlds" to crash

- Adjusted the damage for weapons with very high reload times
- Balance changes:
- Starfleet Command
Costs increased to 1400 Dilithium 700 Tritanium (bf: 1200 / 300)
- Torpedo Platform (Admiral Mayson)
Constructiontime increased to 70 seconds (bf: 60)
- Descent Class
Descent Class Quantum Torpedos do now deal the proper damage

- Battleship
Is now correctly considered a large-sized vessel

- Slightly reduced the costs and Offensive Value of all Klingon Vessels
- Field Yard
Costs increased to 800 Dilithium 200 Tritanium (bf: 640 / 160)
- Battle Yard
Costs increased to 1120 Dilithium 280 Tritanium (bf: 800 / 200)
- Imperial Yard
Costs increased to 1440 Dilithium 360 Tritanium (bf: 960 / 240)

- Cloaking Generator
Constructiontime reduced as intended to 60 seconds (bf: 100)
- Plasma Bolt special ability
Is now correctly considered a torpedo and can miss its target
- Norexan Class
Increased the rate of fire for the Pulse Disruptors
- Tavara Class
Increased the rate of fire for the Pulse Disruptors

Version 3 Preview Release 17th June, 2006

- Cleared some code that writes an obsolete registry string not required anymore
- Fleet Operations only showed Splash screen on some computer environments.
- Fleet Operations starts with an empty map @ IntroEnabled=0 & WindowMode=1
- Launcher: Fixed shortcut to Network Help file
- Installer: Uninstall of previous detected version now working again.
- Corrected several tooltip and string errors
- Fixed a bug causing white squares to appear in some nebulas
- Added missing projectile effect for the Borg Nanite special ability
- Romulan Phase cloak does no longer consume 20 initial special energy
- Added Tooltips for construction delays
- Fixed a bug causing an arterror to appear while using construction delays
- Fixed a bug still caused out of sync problems
- Fixed a bug related to game crashes at the end of a game
- Fixed a bug causing game crashes during research process
- Corrected the wrong aligned Klingon Kahless Station footbrint buffer
- Loader: Rebuild from scratch
- Launcher: Rebuild from scratch
- Map Manager: Import dialog bitmap position fixed

- Increased AI fleet efficency
- New Mainmenu 'beeping' sounds
- Advanced environment
- changed camera handling
- changed physic system
- changed textures mipmap levels
- new tooltip and ingame font
- Improved graphical effects
- Improved explosion effects
- Improved shield effects
- Improved mining beam effects
- Improved transporter effects
- Improved special weapon effects
- Model and texture improvements or complete reworks
- Federation Mediterranean
- Federation Mandril Class
- Federation Newton Class
- Federation Monsoon Class
- Federation Canaveral Class
- Federation Akira Class
- Federation Remore Class
- Federation Outpost
- Federation Storage Dock
- Federation Antares Type Yard
- Federation Eraudi Type Yard
- Federation Starfleet Science
- Federation Starfleet Engineering
- Federation Defenceplatform
- Federation Satellite
- Klingon K't'inga Class
- Klingon Topmey Class
- Non Player Breen Cruiser
- Non Player Ferengi Marauder
- Mapobject Dilithium Moons
- Mapobject Tritanium Moons
- Mapobject Planets
- Mapobject Nebulas
- Increased the differences between weapon ranges
- Changed the system your points are being calculated in the Admirals Log
- Several button upgrades
- Changed the Hotkeys of most units. They are now displayed in the construction
- Moved the resource panel in mapeditor mode do avoid menu blending
- Added new Teamcolors
- Balance changes:
- Noxter
The Noxter are not included in this Version. There were some critical
bugs within the Beta 2 Noxter. The Noxter will of course come back
after a global redo in a future version of Fleet Operations!
Visit for updates on the Noxter
- Borg
The Borg are not included in this Version. We are still working on a
full scale redo with many new features for the final Version 3.0
release. Visit for updates
- Changed the hitpoints and firepower of most vessels & stations according
to the new balancing system. See "Unit attributes"
- Changed the Dilithium and Tritanium costs of most vessels & stations
according to the new balancing system
- Changed the special energy costs of most special abilities and adjusted
their effects according to the new balancing system
- Dilithium
stock at game start increased to 4000 (bf: 3500)
- Crew
Crew is no longer a resource. The "costs" will still be displayed
to show the crew capacity of the starship or station.
- Starting Units
construction vessels must be build after the selection of an avatar
- Hull HP regeneration is now calculated independet from shield HPs
- Changed the Credit system. The standard startup creditcount is 20, but
credit costs have also been scaled.
- Added an option to turn credits off (= 0 startig credits).
- Reduced the rate at which special energy regenerates. See "Unit attributes"
- Tachyon Scan energy costs reduced to 30 (bf: 100)
- Tachion Detection Grid research does now contain 2 upgrades.
One for the Tachion Scan special ability and
one for the passive Tachion Detection Grid ability
- Crew Mechanics
If a starships enters combat and gets hits on its hull it may lose crew. As
soon as the crew drops below a certain limit (the limit differs from ship
to ship and from race to race) it enters yellow crew state (the crew
display turns yellow). If this vessel loses even more crew it enters
red crew state (the crew display turns red).
If a vessel enters yellow crew state the repair rate of that vessel
is slightly reduced and the rate of fire is reduced by half.
If the vessels enters red crew state the time it takes to repair damage
is even doubled and the combat capabilities of that vessel get down to
a minimum.
The only exception to this rule is the Federation. A Federation vessels
gets no repair rate reduction on yellow state and only half of the normal
reduction on red state.
- Unit attributes
Added 3 dynamic unit attributes. These attributes describe the
capabilities of vessels or stations.
Offensive Value:
The offensive capabilities of a starship or station. Units with higher
offensive values can deal higher ammounts of damage or have faster
reload times
Defensive Value:
The defensive capabilities of a starship or station. Units with higher
defensive values can sustain higher ammounts of damage before getting
critically damaged or destroyed
System Value:
The special system capabilities of a starship or station. Units with
higher system values can reload their shields and repair their hulls
faster. The system value does also define the special weapon energy
recharge rate.

- Newton Class
is now armed with a Phaser
can no longer be equipped with the Repair Team special ability
- Descent Class
can now be equipped with the Critical Shot Special Ability
crew capacity increased to 600 (bf: 325)
- Nebula Class
now has the Vector Calculation special ability
is now a Cruiser (bf: Battleship)
- Probe Special Ability
does no longer require a target but flies in the direction the Canaveral
is facing
- Repair Beam
does no longer use special energy
repair rate reduced
- Critical Shot Special Ability
Does no longer deal damage
does now last 7 seconds (bf: 5)
- Defiant Class
is now armed with 2 Rapid Fire Pulse Phasers
- Saber Class
can no longer be equipped with the Hyperimpulse Drive special ability
is now initially equipped with the Evasive Maneuvers passive ability
- Monsoon Class
can no longer be equipped with the Hyperimpulse Drive special ability
can now be equipped with the Proximity Photon Torpedo special ability
- Starfleet Command
crew capacity increased to 750 (bf: 600)
- Galaxy Class
crew capacity increased to 350 (bf: 250)
- Steamrunner Class
crew capacity increased to 150 (bf: 125)
- Canaveral Class
is now armed with 1 additional Light Quantum Pulse
- Space Dock
the Space Dock has been removed. It will come back as an enhanced version
for special maps in a future Fleet Operations version
- Remore Class
combat effectiveness has been greatly increased
- Akira Class
can no longer be equipped with the Point Defense special ability
can now be equipped with the Defense Patterns special ability

- Incrased the costs for all Klingon Special Ability research
- Cho'naQ Class
Weaponrange changed to long range (bf: medium)
- Ion Storm Special Abilitiy
reduced damage per second
duration decreased to 40 seconds (bf: 45)
- Combat Tractorbeam Special Ability
The Combat Tractorbeam is now a special ability of the Chargh Class
(Avatar Unit). The Heavy Weapons Platform is no longer equipped with
this ability.
- Vutpa' Class
is now a Battleship (bf: Cruiser)
- Kahless Station
may now produce K't'inga Class

The Romulan techtree has been changed. The Generix Yard does no longer
exist. Generix Class vessels can be produced at the Staryard and then be
refitted just like Rhienn Class vessels.
- Mogai Class
is no longer equipped with the Cloak special ability
- Stealth Field Special Ability
does no longer reduce weapon accuracy
- Sabotage Special Ability
reduced the chance to do lesser damage
can no longer be used to destroy civil vessels
- Generix Class (Dreadnought)
is no longer equipped with a normal cloaking device
- Quadcobalt Torpedo
increased area damage radius to 350 (bf: 250)
- Multi Targetting Disruptor
Weaponrange changed to long range (bf: medium)
- Tal'Shiar Academy
crew capacity increased to 400 (bf: 350)
- Serkas Class
does now require the Tal'Shiar Academy to be built
- Cloak Special Ability (Romulan only)
reduced the time it takes to cloak and decloak to 1 second (bf: 3)
- Updated a few button graphics
- Updated symbols for Dilithium an Tritanium
- Updated GUI Files

- Fleet Operations intro video
- New player race: Dominion
- Added the ability to select an avatar at game start, which modifies the
tech tree and grants several bonuses. Each race has two different avatars
to chose.
- Admiral Mayson
- Admiral Risner
- TaQ'roja
- General Martok
- General Mijural
- General Helev
- Dominion Puretech
- Alliance: Breen
- Added Support Vessels
Support Vessels are special ships which have an initial special ability and
can be enhanced with 2 upgrades, giving them additional abilities.
Support Vessels:
- Canaveral Class
- Remore Class
- Norway Class (Avatar Unit)
- Qaw'Duj Class
- BortaS Class
- Generix Class (Support Refit)
- Leahval Class
- Interception Destroyer
- Siege Cruiser
- Added Supply resource
visit for further informations on the new supply resource
- Added "Ice" environment set
- Added additional mapobjects
- Added race specific selection markers
- Added glow effects for warp drives and similar special effects
- Added weapon fire effects
- Added new voicesets
- Added new vessels and stations
- Torpedo Platform (for Admiral Mayson)
- Norway Class (for Admiral Mayson)
- Avalon Class (for Admiral Risner)
- Phalanx Class (for Admiral Risner)
- Veqlaragh Class (for TaQ'roja)
- Chargh Class (for TaQ'roja)
- LuSpet Class (for General Martok)
- SuS'a' Class (for Geberal Martok)
- Shrike Class (for General Mijural)
- Cehlaer Class (for General Mijural)
- Griffin Class (for General Helev)
- Eresis Class (for General Helev)
Non Player:
- Marauder
- A standard set of textures is loaded when race detection fails

Version Beta 2 Patch 2 December 31, 2003

- Fixed a bug causing romulan pulse type weapons cause incorrect damage
- Fixed a bug causing 'out of sync' errors while using Tachyon Scan
- Saving Admiral's Logs is working again
- Readded the Noxter Breeder build button

- Added new maps:
Maps by Creative2012
- Homeworlds
- Old Space
Maps by Detektor:
- Cube
- Mutaracombat
- Wheel of War
Maps by Eufnoc
- The Badlands
Maps by SisQ
- Total war
Maps by Trekki
- Blue

Version Beta 2 Patch 1 October 13, 2003

- Noxter Stinger now dies in a blood explosion
- Fixed a bug causing crashes when leaving a game
- Fixed a bug causing crashes during game
- 60 second and 90 second construction delays fixed
- fixed a bug which marks an area where a swarmnebula has
been used as unsuitable for station construction
- Corrected several tooltip and string errors
- Launcher: Now Team Colors can correctly be enabled/disabled

- Improved Noxter-AI station-organism handling
- Balance changes:
- All Noxter organisms are now mobile
- Larva
Increased construction time to 25 seconds (bf: 20)
- Scourge
Weapon damage reduced to 3 (bf: 5)

Version Beta 2 Hotfix 1 October 04, 2003

Missing Federation Descent class textures which caused slowdowns

Version Beta 2 October 04, 2003

- Map Manager: GUI fix
- Map Manager: Some glitches with creating new maps corrected
- Map Manager: Maps outsite the bzn folder were not correctly identified
- Map Editor: Envoirement settings for new maps corrected
- Launcher: Splash screens now appear really random when selected
- Added missing Admiral's Log ship and station images
Gaming fixes:
- Fixed several AI problems
- Vessels can now move again with "Trek Physics" enabled
- Fixed tooltip display errors
- Fixed display errors with some special effects
- Klingon Ionizing Torpedo can now be assimilated by the
Borg Technology Assimilator
- Federation Starfleet Chassis Tooltips now show +25 percent sensorrange
improvement correct
- Added missing selection sounds for some stations
- Ships, stations and upgrades can now be reached via the F hotkeys

- Increased AI build efficency
- Race GUI changes
- Vessel and station model and texture improvements or complete reworks
Replaced Models and Textures:
- Federation Descent Class
- Federation Galaxy Class
- Federation Nebula Class
- Federation Saber Class
- Federation Starfleet Command
- Borg Detector
- Borg Interceptor
- Borg Assimilator
- Borg Adaptor
- Borg Sphere
- Borg Cube
- Borg Fusion Cube
- Borg Scout Cube
- Borg Tactical Cube
Updated Models
- Klingon Bird of Prey
Updated Textures
- Federation Intrepid
- Replaced asteroid textures
- Ship pathfinding optimized
- MOTD now shows title of latest homepage news
- Added a new animation for collapsed shields
- Federation photon torpedos updated to 'First Contact' style
- Replaced explosion shockwave effect
- Balance changes:
- Changed the Dilithium and Tritanium costs of most vessels according
to the new balancing system
- Changed the hitpoints and firepower of most vessels according
to the new balancing system
- Changed Engine speed for all vessels
- Increased the speed of several special weapon projectiles
- Pulse type weapons do now fire bursts of 3 shots
- Sensor range increased for all vessels
- Hull and System HP repair rate is now based on units hitpoints
- Weaponrange firing system has been rebalanced to 5 weaponrange categories
short range
medium range
long range
artillery range
- Tritanium
storage capacity reduced to 100 per freighter (bf: 150)
stock at game start increased to 2000 (bf: 1000)
- Crew
stock at game start decreased to 1500 (bf: 2000) (except: Borg)
all races do now have the same boarding party strength
crewrate per second reduced to 4.25 per starbase (bf: 5)
- Special weapons and Special abilities
reload time for most special weapons changed to 5 seconds
unresearched special weapons are marked with an '+' in tooltips
- Movement and combat behavior
added movement autonomy to the AI menu.
view tooltips for further information.

- Venture Class
removed Tachion Detection Grid ability
- Tachion Detection Grid research
costs increased to 400 Dilithium, 400 Tritanium (bf: 100/100)
construction time increased to 100 seconds (bf: 25)
- Defence Platform
costs increased to 500 Dilithium, 250 Tritanium (bf: 300/250)
- Tricobalt Torpedo
damage reduced against ships
double damage to buildings
effect range decreased to 400 (bf: 600)
enemy hit chance reduction decreased to 35 percent (bf: 50)
- Distortion Field
time decreased to 35 seconds (bf: 45)
- Repair Beam
special energy costs increased to 10 (bf: 5)
- Eraudi Type Yard
costs increased to 1000 Dilithium, 600 Tritanium (bf: 800/500)
- Newton Class
crew costs decreased to 90 (bf: 250)
- Outpost
can now be equipped with the Tachion Scan special ability
- Spacedock
can now be equipped with the Tachion Scan special ability

- NoQ'Duj Class
removed Tachion Detection Grid ability
- Chor Class
costs decreased to 370 Dilithium, 110 Tritanium (bf: 450/125)
damage increased to 10 (bf: 3)
- Tachion Detection Grid research
costs increased to 400 Dilithium, 400 Tritanium (bf: 100/100)
build time increased to 100 seconds (bf: 25)
- Heavy Weapons Platform
costs increased to 600 Dilithium, 300 Tritanium (bf: 500/400)
weaponry changed to Torpedo Drone
- Kahless Station
weaponry changed to Torpedo Drone
can now be equipped with the Tachion Scan special ability
- Combat Tractor Beam research
does no longer use 1 credit to be researched
- Ionizing Torpedo
damage reduced to 5 (bf: 10-30)
special energy costs reduced to 25 (bf: 75)
targeting range reduced
- K't'inga Class
can now be equipped with the Torpedo Drone special ability
- Field Research
construction time increased to 60 seconds (bf: 50)
- Armory
construction time increased to 70 seconds (bf: 50)
- Imperial Research
construction time increased to 80 seconds (bf: 50)
- Ordnance Depot
costs decreased to 800 Dilithium, 600 Tritanium (bf: 1000/600)
construction time increased to 80 seconds (bf: 50)
- Field Yard
costs increased to 650 Dilithium, 400 Tritanium (bf: 650/300)
- Battle Yard
costs decreased to 750 Dilithium, 500 Tritanium (bf: 1000/600)
- Imperial Yard
costs decreased to 1000 Dilithium, 600 Tritanium (bf: 1350/850)
- Battleplan
now uses 2 special energy per second (bf: 100 once)
- Shield Breaking Torpedo
energy costs reduced to 50 from 75
- Mining Station
costs increased to 450 Dilithium, 150 Tritanium (bf: 400/150)

- Borg vessels do no longer need to lower shields to beam
- Cube
added the Regenerative Systems passive ability
- Tactical Cube
added the Regenerative Systems passive ability
weaponry changed to 2x Gravimetric Torpedo
- Fusion Cube
added the Regenerative Systems passive ability
- Detector
removed Tachion Detection Grid ability
- Tachion Detection Grid research
costs increased to 400 Dilithium, 400 Tritanium (bf: 100/100)
build time increased to 100 seconds (bf: 25)
- Phaser Relay
costs increased to 600 Dilithium, 300 Tritanium (bf: 400/200)
- Assembler
costs increased to 400 Dilithium, 100 Tritanium (bf: 400/0)
- Adaptor
costs increased to 350 Dilihtium, 100 Tritanium (bf: 300/100)
damage decreased to 12 damage (bf: 15)
reload time changed to 2 seconds (bf: 3)
build requirements changed to Incubation Complex
- Assimilation Matrix
construction time decreased to 150 seconds (bf: 225)
can now be equipped with the Tachion Scan special ability
- Technology Assimilator
targeting range reduced to 600 (bf: 800)
- Holding Beam
targeting range reduced to 600 (bf: 800)
- Ultridium Burst
damage reduced to 40 (bf: 50)
energy costs reduced to 75 from 100
- Nanites
increased movement speed of GUI elements
energy costs reduced to 10 from 40
- Transwarp Hub
construction costs reduced to 3000 Dilithium, 1500 (bf: 3500/3500)
- Extended Life Support Nodes Upgrade
research costs reduced to 450 Dilithium, 450 Tritanium (bf: 800/800)
research time decreased to 50 seconds (bf: 100)
- Processing Matrix
costs increased to 650 Dilithium, 200 Tritanium (bf: 500/200)
- Resource Assimilator
costs increased to 400 Dilithium, 100 Tritanium (bf: 150/0)
construction time increased to 40 seconds (bf: 20)
loading capacity increased to 300 Dilithium, 200 Tritanium (bf: 150/100)
- Assembly Matrix
costs increased to 900 Dilithium, 500 Tritanium (bf: 900/450)
- Adv Assembly Matrix
costs increased to 1200 Dilithium, 700 Tritanium (bf: 1000/700)

- Multiplayer name is set to Windows logon name after install
- Launcher: Added option for choosing between low and high res textures
- Launcher: Added option for disabling ship and station team colors
- Launcher: Added option for disabling the splash screen transition effects
- Launcher: Added option for long multiplayer nicknames (up to 64 chars)
- Launcher: New splash logo available: Ciadan
- Launcher: New splash logo available: Dominion
- Launcher: Updated splash logo: Borg
- Map Manager: Delete option now available
- Fleet Operations menu Cursors
- New building underlays when placing new buildings
- Added several new multiplayer maps
Gaming additions:
- New player race: Romulans
- New player race: Noxter
- Added 'buildable' delays (30/60/90 sec) for all shipyards
- Assimilated ships and stations now have modeled borg installations
- Added new ship, resource and build status bars
- Added new race specific cursors
- Added shield hit sounds for torpedo and pulse type weapons
- Added new map objects for map environment
- Added new formations
- Lines formation
- Square formation
- Wedge formation
- Added new vessels and stations
- Excelsior-II Class

- Command Cube

- BortaS Class
- Vutpa' Class

Non Playable:
- Premonition Class
- Constellation Class
- McKinley Type Yard

- Delevhas Class

- Impulse Ship

- Starbase
- Yard
- Energypost
- Cruiser
- Battleship

Species 8472
- Bioship

Version Beta 1.1 Patch 2 September 21, 2003

- Solved remaining issues causing "out of sync" errors
- Fusion Cube upgrade can no longer be targeted separately

Version Beta 1.1 Patch 1 August 21, 2003

- Fixed a bug causing "out of sync" errors in multiplayer games
- Fixed a bug preventing scoutcubes for forming up for fusion
- vessels no longer try to auto form up during movement

- Improved Pathfinding

Version Beta 1.1 May 06, 2003

- Installer now works with newer Armada CDs
Gaming fixes:
- Fixed minor interface display errors
- Fixed minor map errors
- "Critical Shot" can now be fired correctly
- "Critical Shot" can now be assimilated by the Borg Technology Assimilator

- Minor GUI changes
- Added a new button for the Intrepid Class
- AI improvements
Balance changes:
- Start starbases are now fully recrewed
- Reduces the damage done by the Cho'naQ Assault Disruptor from 75 to 55
- Increased the fire rate bonus of High Energy Reflex Grid, Advanced Weapons
and Nadion Weapons upgrades from 10 percent to 15 percent

- Added 4 player map 'Circle' by Detektor
- Added 6 player team play map 'Nebulagate' by Detektor

Version Beta 1 Patch 1 May 02, 2003


- Fix for the DLL starting issues
- Fixed CD Check problems


- Added missing ship images for Admiral's Log
- Added a new image for the Intrepid Class in Admiral's Log
- Increased Klingon Neutron Impulse Engine cost to 900 Dilithium, 900 Tritanium

Note: This patch includes all fixes from previous Hotfixes.

Version Beta 1 April 30, 2003

First public release

Version    Author  Doca Cola  Website   
Downloads  2,639  Size  1.90 MB  Created  2006-06-30 



#1 willsk8forfood15 2006-06-30 20:51
Glad to see it up doca :P Nice
#2 ZuluKingOfTheDwarfPeople 2006-08-12 08:32
I was playing for a while but suddenly when I started another game the AI did nothing. The scoutship would go around the map but my allies would not build anything. This continues to happen in all of my games...
#3 Aflac 2006-10-14 09:27
I don't have time to read all of the readme. Are the Borg here now?
#4 eoraptor 2006-11-15 12:48
Everything is fantastic so far, though I am a lil disappointed at no Campaign mode yet. Also, I;ve noticed that something seems to be odd with the AI for the Explore function. scout ships just start to randomly bump up against asteroid belts rather than flying around them, which did not happen in the original Armada II 1.1

Otherwise, keep up the excellent work.

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