Borg Incursion VR
Contained in this here zip is a "third person" patch for BI:VR (though permission given from MaP) which fixes a few items, namely:
- Romulan Talon Class Scout has a cloaking device which now works.
- Borg special weapons fixed and useable.
Granted, it's not a huge amount, but it is something and for those looking to enrich their BI:VR gaming, this will definitely be a good add-on for it to get it working that bit smoother. All edited files do need to be put into the right location, which is the Romulan ship odf and the 1.1 tech file, but that shouldn't be hard work. Now, go forth, download and beat the Borg back into the Delta Quadrant!
Original readme's and credits are also included.
By Kylestabell, origonal work by MajorPayne
This is a patch for the Borg Inursion: Vital Responce mod. The changes made alows
the refit Romulan talon to cloak properly and fixes the bug keeping the borg's
special weapons from being used.
Installation instructions:
(Note: this is assuming you installed the game to
c:\Program Files\Activision\Star Trek Armada II for the base folder)
1. Make a backup file of techtree\ and odf\ships\rscout2.odf
2. Either unzip into a temporary folder and then move the techtree and odf folders
to the base installed folder or unzip the files directly into the folder.
Version | 1.2 Beta | Author | Kylestabell | Website | |
Downloads | 2,419 | Size | 291.55 KB | Created | 2006-09-23 |