Armada 3 Concept_Temporal Empire Armada 3 Concept_Temporal Empire

(30 votes)
Yacuzza, 2005-07-05

Ten years after Voyager returned in alpha quadrant everybody believed that after destroying Borg Queen collective would be permanent disabled except few spheres and cubes that managed to survive. But in all that time there wasn’t established new collective because Borg started to act different. Little ships that are left to Borg managed to come to border of Delta and Gamma quadrant and they conquered few systems. After only several years Borg didn’t used assimilation as tool for increasing their strength because they developed new methods of cloning so they started massive production on new forces. In few years Borg restored himself like he was before destruction of collective, but every Borg was individual. That gave Borg new dimension of existence.
In that time life in Alpha quadrant flows pretty normal for situation in there. Cardassians are restoring from all wars that happened in last few years, but one their military experiment didn’t go well, and it set them few years back. When they before 5 years started testing temporal weaponry, they didn’t know what disaster expects them Before 3 years experiment on new temporal bomb went wrong, from unknown reasons power of explosion was thousand times stronger then they expected which led to disappearance of 25% Cardassian space in time and continuum. Because of complex of experiment itself and explosion, those planets and systems weren’t destroyed; they were moved in another galaxy. There, on foundations of Cardassian Empire, grow new race- Temporal Empire.
Temporal Empire tried to reach their ancestors Cardassians who are not aware of them because to them only few years passed, but to Temporal Empire few centuries passed. They opened gate between 2 galaxies, but unfortunately gate appeared in middle of new Borg society in Delta quadrant. Then Borg attacked Temporal Empire.
Romulans spend those years in taking care about internal problems with empire and fighting Reman rebellion. Neutral zone still exist which means that relationships with them and Federation are still not better.
Federation and Klingons are on the end of signing new historical treaty about joining new Klingon Republic to United Federation of Planets.
Specie 8472 goes to more often to Alpha quadrant to better meet new species that already live there, however they did not shown and hostile attentions.

Armada 3 Concept_Temporal Empire for A2
by Yacuzza -

this is Armada3Concept_Temporal Empire for A2,
Temporal Empire from Armada 3 Concept.
Requirements: Species 8472 Armada 3 Concept

Ten years after Voyager returned in alpha quadrant everybody believed that after destroying Borg Queen collective would be permanent disabled except few spheres and cubes that managed to survive. But in all that time there wasn�t established new collective because Borg started to act different. Little ships that are left to Borg managed to come to border of Delta and Gamma quadrant and they conquered few systems. After only several years Borg didn�t used assimilation as tool for increasing their strength because they developed new methods of cloning so they started massive production on new forces. In few years Borg restored himself like he was before destruction of collective, but every Borg was individual. That gave Borg new dimension of existence.
In that time life in Alpha quadrant flows pretty normal for situation in there. Cardassians are restoring from all wars that happened in last few years, but one their military experiment didn�t go well, and it set them few years back. When they before 5 years started testing temporal weaponry, they didn�t know what disaster expects them Before 3 years experiment on new temporal bomb went wrong, from unknown reasons power of explosion was thousand times stronger then they expected which led to disappearance of 25% Cardassian space in time and continuum. Because of complex of experiment itself and explosion, those planets and systems weren�t destroyed; they were moved in another galaxy. There, on foundations of Cardassian Empire, grow new race- Temporal Empire.
Temporal Empire tried to reach their ancestors Cardassians who are not aware of them because to them only few years passed, but to Temporal Empire few centuries passed. They opened gate between 2 galaxies, but unfortunately gate appeared in middle of new Borg society in Delta quadrant. Then Borg attacked Temporal Empire.
Romulans spend those years in taking care about internal problems with empire and fighting Reman rebellion. Neutral zone still exist which means that relationships with them and Federation are still not better.
Federation and Klingons are on the end of signing new historical treaty about joining new Klingon Republic to United Federation of Planets.
Specie 8472 goes to more often to Alpha quadrant to better meet new species that already live there, however they did not shown and hostile attentions.

Run instaler use Browse button to select the destination folder. select the default Star Trek Armada 2 directory.
Credits to: ? Me ?
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/GraphyFiler/Yacuzza/& A3C Team/

Armada 3 Concept Team


Version    Author  Yacuzza  Website  Website external 
Downloads  5,225  Size  9.36 MB  Created  2005-07-05 



#11 AdmiralSmith 2005-07-23 02:48
Omg can anyone write a story with worse grammar?
#12 Joelteon7 2005-07-30 12:34
If you can make out the story, then why worry about the grammar?
#13 csi_denver 2005-08-08 21:24
now aint this just fun hahaha who the heck cares about the grammer, Yacuzza & STGamerNew2002 maybe you 2 should work together on a mod? sounds like both of ya'll know what ya doing maybe with you 2 working togther some really good could come from it hope you 2 wouldnt made the mistake that they did with armada 2.5 cause that dude has no sence of proportion lol

i do like this mod although that shockwave does get on my nerves every now and then lol
#14 kline 2006-01-05 15:51
The good thing I like about this mod is how powerful the temporal empire is. Unfortunately thats what stops this mod from being great. The temporal empire simply out classes every other race. I had to stop makin the rexdal class to give the ai a chance. As soon as it leaves the ship yard it creates a temporal distortion, warps of to the nearest ai space and layes waste to everything :o . You can't even use warp and there're black hole everwhere. I wouldn't even tlk about the Evorex. Enemy ships are behind asteriod fields and taken out by it's torpedoes :o . Now don't get me wrong I love this mod but why not level off the playin field a bit an give the other races some kool mod too. That would make it more interesting. ROCK ON!!Rock
#15 captain_nick 2006-07-22 13:19
I just came across this mod. Enteresting storyline line, I like it. 8)

And who cares about the grammer. This guy has an imagination and that is all that counts about this mod. :thumbsup:
#16 ameba 2006-11-01 07:52
could that bright yellow shockwave be a expolding dillitium frighter??

and congrstulations: the milka fleet has made it to "featured mod" - again
#17 Captain_Kirk76 2006-11-04 14:01

Okay, why is it all purple, and i can't understand the readme.
#18 MrMatt2 2007-07-31 19:44
I noticed a few Bugs that made it sad for me... But I liked the Mod.

The map seems to have a black border that cuts off some of the view, I almost couldn't find my own base at one point.

The next is when I played as the Borg, I couldn't build anything until I had an advanced Shipyard! Something got mixed up there.

Other than that I loved it. some of the dark Purple was hard to read/make out, but I did enjoy it. Nice job. I don't have a clue on doing any of this so I can't say I could do more, but I agree with Post 14, some other species mods would be pretty cool too.
#19 iansworld 2008-04-20 00:10
have problem when start armada2 up come bug report from auto lauch? start , i any ideas? mny thanks


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