Ultimate Turret Mod
This is a basic mod that means turret's for the Borg can distroy any ship on the map from any location. These things distroy whole starbases in just a single hit, and even though they only fire every 30 secconds, it just isn't balenced to me. Download if you want.
MY WEBSITE-www.freewebs.com/pinkcollective here you'll find maps and other things
e-mail address- bdreet@yahoo.com
Description-basically it is a simple mod for the Borg (on my website I will soon post some for other races www.freewebs.com/pinkcollective ) that makes the torpedoes turrets have ultra long range strike capabilty, Meaning that you can strike anywhere on the map in seconds. did I mention its destructive power. it can destroy starbase with one hit. But it can only fire once every 30 seconds to make it more balanced.
Installation: MAKE A BACKUP OF THE ORIGINAL FILES YOU ARE ABOUT TO REPLACE. Now in your armada 2 folder under "odf / weapons / photons" replace the files named "btphot" and "btphotono" with my files of the same name.
If you want it to fire faster you, Open the "btphot" file and where it says
"//Time Delay between shots
shotDelay = 30.0f"
change the 30 to whatever you want it to be.
Warning- Multiplayer is not compatible with mods. You must have the original files to play online. In some cases you must have the same exact game files as the host's game.
Credits- I did it all by my self.
Feel free to distribute this file as you please.
Version | Author | Pinky | Website | ||
Downloads | 646 | Size | 1.55 KB | Created | 2005-08-28 |