Pro-Filer's Birthday Mod Pro-Filer's Birthday Mod

(11 votes)
FileTrekker, 2003-09-10


This mod is for Pro-Filers birthday (congrats pro). Pro-Filer is the man who created FilesNetwork and all this that you see before you, so remember to thank him and wish him a happy birthday when you see him Wink

To install, just run setup.exe

This file has a map that spells "Pro-Filer" out on it, and a mod that changes the splash screen to that of the FileBabe and "Happy Birthday Pro" on it. Remember, i forgot to make it install a backup, so back up your current splash screen first.

Meny Happy Wishes Pro-Filer,
FileTrekker and Kahless

Version    Author  FileTrekker  Website   
Downloads  535  Size  240.98 KB  Created  2003-09-10 



#1 octovon 2003-09-10 09:09
Happy B-Day Dude!
#2 Captain_H 2003-09-10 09:17
Happy Birthday and may you continue to live a full life.
#3 STGamerNew2002 2003-09-10 11:27
Happy B'Day to you, Pro-filer! Drink :donut:
#4 MajorPayne 2003-09-10 17:15
....and this was rated a 10 because..........???

I know people try to keep da boss happy but these things really need to be rated more professionally (I take my federation side as a prime example. Its nothing special by any means so doesn't need a 10 rating, as this doesn't).

Oh and ProFiler. How does it feel being another year older??
#5 8472pinkblobs 2003-09-11 06:19
but your mods do deserve a 10
#6 Kahless 2003-09-11 13:35
Ahh, I think FT gave it a 10 as a way of saying thanks to Pro. Now if only there was a "Subject" field to rate.
#7 Chiletrek 2003-09-12 05:32
Happy birthday, not only to the great pro-filer.... I mean I wish a happy bithday and a happy life to all people. I hope we all can get happiness and can count on each other in the sad moments.

Thanks all you people to make this page for friendship born in our good taste for adventure from the great creation of Gene Roddenberry in all other series and films that make us dream for a better future.

See you out there:


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