Federation Reinforcements
This is a rather intresting modification that basically allows Federation Players to create a wormhole. This wormhole supplies the Player with "reinforcements" from the wormhole. Build rates and special weapons however are eliminated to help balance.
Give er' a download and try it out for yourself!
Federation Reinforcements V1.0
Whats included :
New SOD = Sort of ....
New Textures = Yes (Anomie Class)
New ODF = Yes
New Sound = No (coming in V2.0)
New Buildbuttons = No (coming in V2.0)
New Wireframes = No (coming in V2.0)
E-mail: paulhanselluk@yahoo.co.uk
website : www.freewebs.com/paulhanselluk
Overview :
This MOD allows the federation to build an artifical wormhole that supplies them with
reinforcements from there ship yards - it also includes several ships from the alpha
quadrent alliance during the Dominion war.
Additional info :
This is the fourth MOD I have released,
* Please be aware that the build times have been dramaticly reduced to give the impression of the ship exiting
the wormhole.(ship cost is still the same).
* Because these ships can be built right from the start, I have removed all special weapons (these ships are
reserves and not equiped for the front line - but have been pressed into service).
* Scales have been altered to make the ships fit better ...
It has only been tested on a "clean" version of Armada 2 (I have no idea what will happen if you try
and use this with any other MOD's)
Interstellar Machine - for the use of the Anomie Class
Known Bugs :
No buildbuttons
No wireframes
Intallation Instructions.
Established MODers - Copy all files into the correct folders.
Newbies - Email me for a step by step guide.
Legal Stuff :
Use this MOD at your own risk.
I am in no way responsible for any damage or misconfiguration
that may happen to your computer as a result of my files.
This MOD is not made or supported by Activision or Mad Doc Software.
If you wish to use this Mod in other mods please contact me (email above), there will probably
be no problem, I think it is just polite.
Project 2280 - www.freewebs.com/paulhanselluk
Version | 1.0 | Author | paulhanselluk | Website | |
Downloads | 981 | Size | 1.51 MB | Created | 2005-08-01 |