Starfox's Battleship Retextures Starfox's Battleship Retextures

(3 votes)
Starfox1701 and Jetfreak, 2010-10-29

This is a fairly modest alternate set of textures for Starfox's wonderful battleships he released recently. The files included in this pack are replacements for the Yamato and Sword of Kahless Class.

For the Yamato, the registry has been cleaned up and the glows have been improved. There is also a bonus blank texure set without registries for those picky modders who would like a production version. =p

The Sword of Kahless has been given a green hull tint and revised glows. Making the design match the TNG era aesthetic.

Starfox's Battleship Retextures

- This is a fairly modest alternate set of textures for Starfox's wonderful battleships he released recently. The files included in this pack are replacements for the Yamato and Sword of Kahless Class.

- For the Yamato, the registry has been cleaned up and the glows have been improved. There is also a bonus blank texure set without registries for those picky modders who would like a production version. =p

- The Sword of Kahless has been given a green hull tint and revised glows. Making the design match the TNG era aesthetic.


- Original Textures from Rick Knox and WickedZombie45. Arrangement and Remapping by starfox1701, further edits by Jetfreak.
- Certain texture elements taken from 9of9's Vorcha, P81's Excelsior and Redragon's K'Tinga.


1) Back up the original textures first. This is always a must.

2) Place the textures in the Textures/RGB folder

3) Then sit back and enjoy the mod. Cheers. :D

Special Thanks:

- Gene Roddenberry for creating such an enduring franchise and the A2 developers, for giving as a cool place to play.

- starfox1701, for his wonderful work on these models.

- You, for downloading this mod.


This material is not made or supported by Activision or MAD DOC Software. This material is freeware and may not be used for
commercial purposes. By installing this modification, you agree to and assume all risks of said addon. As a result, I take
no responsibility for any damages that may occur to your game, mod or hardware.

Star Trek and related marks are trademarks of Paramount Pictures. Activision is a registered trademark of Activision, Inc.
All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.


If you want to use any of these items for personal projects, please contact starfox1701 and Jetfreak

If you encounter any form of errors, please refer to the file's comments section.


Version  1.0  Author  Starfox1701 and Jetfreak  Website   
Downloads  1,314  Size  6.41 MB  Created  2010-10-29 



#1 LowRider1990 2010-10-29 10:24
Nice one, will have to use this. Thanks guys. Rock
#2 Doom369 2010-10-29 23:20
the Sword look to have a TNG look and the Yamato looks to be a bit sharper. Not bad on the Sword. The Yamato looks better.
#3 MajorAPayne 2010-10-30 00:05
Okay so the overall rework looks good but the designs are something else. I love the Yamato and always have done but as a Klink ship lover (Br'el fan here) I find the sword utterly rubbish design wise (mesh wise its as good as many others). Who ever made the design needs to be launched out of a torpedo tube, sorry but thats my way of thinking.
#4 Jetfreak 2010-10-30 01:15
Thanks, and the Sword ain't too hot on the design aspect either. So I agree with the bad design. I blame unimaginative Taldren developers. :P

There's also more edits than you think, screenshots can only tell so much. You have to be REALLY observant to appreciate the edits made. ;-)
#5 BenGriggs 2010-11-09 11:04
i keep getting a 'redirect loop' error when i try to download this. any help?
#6 jlp47at 2010-11-26 08:16
I always loved the Sword of Kahless - it looked so menacing and powerful, and that's what a Klingon ship is supposed to look like, in my opinion. Both the Yamato and Sword of Kahless were fun to use in KA, but the Yamato did have TWO assault phasers...

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