Star Trek: Fusion Teaser Star Trek: Fusion Teaser

(2 votes)
Ted H, 2002-11-26

Well this isnt even a beta... its just a 'teaser' it really does nothing, except u get to see several new ships only in Fusion appear ingame flying around randomly... no u cant seperate them and use them Tongue

sorry Biggrin

so go download and have a look....

this features my:

Intrepid Class
Sovreign Class
Defiant Class
Lightning Class
Wells Class Refit
Galaxy Class (--this probably wont appear in fusion, as it is too old)
and i cant think if there are any others at the moment

so Download and enjoy loooking at wat u cant have....

Models done by voyager009

Version  1.0  Author  Ted H  Website   
Downloads  904  Size  2.80 MB  Created  2002-11-26 



#1 ussugstar 2002-12-03 09:59
Hi ive got the file its ok i might d/l the final but i fink the galaxy class shud be in there cus its still a pretty good ship to fight wiv, so add it wiv some new weapons or summerts thnx Uss Ugstar!!
#2 Captain_Reisen 2002-12-18 09:57
The Galaxy class ship, in both the games and the series, gets wasted by small fleets on a regular basis (remember the Odyssey from "The Jem'Hadar"? or the Enterprise-D versus the Ferengi BOPs in "Rascals"?)

However, Starfleet is nothing if not sensitive to the needs of the Federation so retrofitting the Galaxy class with new weaponry might just make it viable again.
#3 CommanderClarke 2003-01-06 10:57
Galaxy - X class? Like all good things?
#4 martyalpha 2005-03-22 04:24
What happened to the full mod... I haven't heard anything more about it since this was released. I was looking forward to playing the full mod.
#5 martyalpha 2005-03-22 04:24
What happened to the full mod... I haven't heard anything more about it since this was released. I was looking forward to playing the full mod.
#6 voyager009 2005-07-13 00:38
Oh I lost track of this quite a long time ago; I suppose I lost track of Armada a long time ago too... well one thing I do know is almost ready for release that you can check out is Future Tense. I was asked to do the cinematic prologue for that, and I understand its supposed to be out soon... there were actually quite a few similarities between the mods (but then its been almost 3 years.... so I might not remember that correctly! :-) )

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