Spaceman Spaceman

(4 votes)
Interstellar Machine, 2002-09-05

Interesting little design... Biggrin

From the readme:

This is an extravehicular elite force team member recruited from the starbase. Each team member is an officer.

Unit advantages:
Can survive ratiation nebulas.
Quick to recruit
Looks pretty cool in the game.

Unit Disadvantages:
low sensor range
slow, no warp

To install, extract zip file into the main armada 2 directory.
backup all replaced files incase you want to uninstall

This is an extravehicular elite force team member recruited from the starbase. Each team member is an officer.

Unit advantages:
Can survive ratiation nebulas.
Quick to recruit
Looks pretty cool in the game.

Unit Disadvantages:
low sensor range
slow, no warp

In other words. I have not thought of a significant use for the unit besides seeing what I could do with it.

Original Idea by Interstellar Machine
Texture by Interstellar Machine
ODF by Interstellar Machine
Sod componants taken from Captain Picard\'s Deadalus class (because I have only editing programs)

The model and textures are compatible with Armada 1 and I have also included an Armada 1 button

Sorry, no wireframes.

Keep your eyes open for this unit in more races

Any questions or comments, e-mail me at

Version    Author  Interstellar Machine  Website   
Downloads  561  Size  271.88 KB  Created  2002-09-05 



#1 blackdeath 2002-09-05 16:59
cool oh can we have like a ship that can fire say like a small ship like the moagog have on andromeda they attach to your ship but unlike the klinogn thing they are buildable bya star base and have 1 small weapon
#2 voyager009 2002-09-05 18:36
looks pretty good, you might want to make more in a team, then have some of them board a ship....
#3 Deus1 2002-09-06 10:03
naturally u cant equip a man with warp naccelles/engines because the warp and the subspace travel would tear a man apart
#4 Guest 2002-09-06 14:17
Yeah, Interstellar Machine Corporations researched this in depth and came to the same conclusion. So IMC decided to add the "warpSpeed = -1" line in the physics odf.
#5 Guest 2002-09-07 21:43
If you placed a warp field around the space man and inertial dampers inside the suit, them just maybe...

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