Slipstream center Slipstream center

(32 votes)
James1995Chapman, 2010-04-14

Logitech class research center capable of creating up to 3 slipstream conduits, the same as a borg transwarp hub, just with a better wormhole.

Readme file included

Version  1.1  Author  James1995Chapman  Website   
Downloads  957  Size  838.88 KB  Created  2010-04-14 



#1 Omega_Mod_God 2010-04-14 06:23
NICE... I'm gonna love this.
#2 apoclaydon 2010-04-14 15:57
looks intresting
#3 Prometheus16 2010-04-14 18:10
Logitech class lol...
#4 Adm_Zaxxon 2010-04-15 08:15
Brilliant! Nuf said. 10/10Rock
#5 TheDarkOne234 2010-08-08 02:30
the readme file could have had more info on how to install the ship like where specifically to put the the lines in the Tech1 and Gui_Global file
#6 James1995Chapman 2010-11-20 07:34
Sorry About That
#7 Admiral_Max 2011-05-28 04:38
AMAZING...great idea and a great mod... :thumbsup:

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