Shuttle Bay mod for the Sovereign Shuttle Bay mod for the Sovereign

(10 votes)
Unknown / Anonymous, 2003-04-08

Nice mod that allows the sovereign to dock with and create class 5 shuttles - a nice mod that a lot of people want - but few seem to be working out.

**************************Shuttle Craft MOD****************************

By Captin_Jon

I have used the shuttle Type 5 made by Captain Fingers in this mod.
The mod allows the Soverign Class vessel to build the type 5 shuttle
and the shuttle can also dock in Soverign's shuttlebay.


shuttle3.tga (by Captin Fingers)
type5.SOD (by Captin Fingers)


1.Unzip This Folder

2.Put the following files in the following folders

8472_smotphys1.odf in *\Armada 2\ODF\Other
Fbattle.odf in *\Armada 2\ODF\Ships
Dock.odf in *\Armada 2\ODF\Special_Weapons
Type5.odf in *\Armada 2\ODF\Ships
Gbdock.tga + Gbtype5.tga + shuttle3.tga in *\Armada 2\Textures\RGB
type5.SOD in *\Armada 2\SOD

3.Go in *\Armada 2\Sprites and open gui_global.spr and add these lines

b_type5 gbtype5 0 0 64 64
b_dock gbdock 0 0 64 64

4. Add this in and Full Tech.TT

Dock.odf 0
Type5.odf 0

5.Play the game and ENJOY!!!!


The shuttle will not dock unless it is on the Right side of the soverign.


The Credit for the Type 5 Shuttle should go to Captin Fingers Not me!

If you have any problems e-mail me at

Version    Author  Unknown / Anonymous  Website   
Downloads  1,577  Size  296.60 KB  Created  2003-04-08 



#1 Guest 2003-04-19 15:16
man, this great, this is really great! i made about a trillion of those 5 shuttles and beat the entire game in a matter or minutes, THANKS ALOT. GRRRRRRRRRRREAT JOB!
#2 Guest 2003-04-20 19:53
you need to be able to do this with other ships it would be cool
#3 TG1 2003-04-24 00:51
neat idea - but with no limits on the speed and amount of shuttles you can produce, the result is an unbalanced game - also the docking process is pretty bad - with the shuttle coming alongside the ship then they both move sideways until they fuse - your shuttle is then lost.
#4 Guest 2003-04-24 10:59
so what? build a trilion more , and quit your whining ;-)
#5 USS_Mouse 2006-02-19 14:11
Soooooo what is this mod good for?
#6 bumting 2006-07-19 14:38
UUMMMMMMM Fun!!!!! :roll:

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