Scimitar Class Scimitar Class

(13 votes)
ClaesStefan, 2003-01-27

This is the same one that you can download already but with an auto installer so you don't need to copy anything to get it to work.

Scimitar Class By ClaesStefan

This mod is basically the same as the other one that I did earlyer.
Made after some requests for an auto installer :).
You heard right, now the Scimitar installs automatically.

Hope you all enjoy this mod.
Set a course for earth. Kill them all.

Version  1.1  Author  ClaesStefan  Website   
Downloads  2,960  Size  361.21 KB  Created  2003-01-27 



#11 Squire_James 2003-11-08 18:25
Why do 'Romulans Rule' due to the Scimitar? Its a Reman ship, not Romulan. Nice ship btw
#12 Guest 2003-11-15 20:53
wow really impressive, this is the only scimitar class i could get dowloaded and actually work, kinda surprised me when i saw it in german, but thankfully i know bits and peices so it went over smoothly, danka Admiral Crie
#13 the_predator 2003-12-22 21:23
#14 the_predator 2003-12-22 23:32
the beam is to powerful it kills the ships make a patch to decress the power of it
#15 TACTICAL_CUBE_315 2003-12-25 01:56
the hero ship enterprize a pears in the admrals logs
#16 ONX2006 2006-03-01 13:58
cool. i like it. and has anybody else noticed that the donut looks like a flower? :donut:
#17 Jaeih 2006-07-04 19:13
ClaesStefan, I am in need of three different sets of pictures of the Reman Scimitar Battleship. Would you possibly be able to help me by sending me, by E-mail, any and all pictures of the Reman Scimitar Battleship that you might have?? My E-mail address is:

Even if I could get one set of picturesmaybe if their Reman Scimitar Warship pictures change their color scheme from black to Romulan green and another to say, purple or brown then, I would have my three different sets of pictures of the Reman Scimitar Battleship!

Do you know of anyone else that might be able to provide another set of pictures for me? Please advise me and thank you for taking the time to read my requests!!

In His Service,

#18 insert_name_heer 2007-05-12 17:58
this is by far the best mod i've seen in a while :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

but my theleron beem wont wook :cry:
#19 Karle94 2007-07-16 13:33
#10 The Scimitar has 52 Disruptor banks and 27 photon torpedo lunchers but you are right about the phasers.Nice scimitar just like Iggys and Bryans 10/10

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