Return of the Dominion Patch Return of the Dominion Patch

(4 votes)
Cpt Geddes, 2003-03-08

This is the patch for the recently released mod - it corrects the problem with the weapons and updates the gui

Return of the Dominion patch (1.1)

This adds a new dominion gui by ChYu Chen and solves the weapon problem.
Watch out for further patches and keep the list of bugs coming to


Copy dophaso.odf to the odf/weapons/phasers folder and overwrite.

Copy gui_dom.cfg to misc folder and overwrite.

Copy gui_dominion.spr and gui_global.spr to sprites folder and overwrite.

Copy all *.tga files into textures/rgb folder.

Version  1.1  Author  Cpt Geddes  Website   
Downloads  1,096  Size  97.73 KB  Created  2003-03-08 



#1 Guest 2003-03-09 04:47
this is still full of bugs i found some in the new gui,the gui_global file , and the romulan schimatar ship
#2 darkdude56 2003-03-09 10:04
Sweet, this rulz!!! :thumbsup:

There are still some bugs but you seem to have eliminated the largest one. :-)
#3 Cpt_Geddes 2003-03-10 03:20
I want every one to know that I am working on the rest of the bugs. I wanted to get rid of the biggest one and add the gui quickly.
#4 darkdude56 2003-03-15 08:10
So whats the ETA on the next version?
#5 nova 2003-03-16 06:16
1.2 will be released soon. It has a new station and improves some of the odf's. I have also eliminated a bug. Look out for the 1.3 (it will be special :D ).

p.s. I can't do anything about the other bugs because no one has told me about them. :mad:
#6 darkdude56 2003-03-16 16:15
Great :-) , i'm sorry about not trying to tell you about the other bugs but I thought your e-mail was probably already getting full.

Did you change your name? Nova?
#7 Cpt_Geddes 2003-03-17 03:20
Don't ask me why but I have two names because I don't know myself. :o

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