Realistic Armada2 Realistic Armada2

(4 votes)
ace8265251, 2002-06-27

This mod replaces all *.odf files and replaces them. It gives the game a more likely and trek feeling to it. The auto installer also is a great help!

RePo Realistic Mod
For Armada II

To install:
FIRST!!!! Make sure all .odf files have the read only off (under properties)!!! Double Click the install.exe file in the zip. Any problems should be e-mailed to me at or posted on the STAMODS Message Board under general mod talk or at the official Star Trek board under Armada II General Forum

All ships made more expensive, (including officers and crew) and with higher shields and system hit points. Sovereign is now more powerful than the Galaxy Class.

Version    Author  ace8265251  Website   
Downloads  1,667  Size  1.01 MB  Created  2002-06-27 



#1 Guest 2002-08-25 20:02
I'll let you know what I think... d/ling now.
#2 the_undertaker7 2007-01-26 20:31
lol, 999 downloads...

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