Meda's Nebula Meda's Nebula

(3 votes)
Medafusion, 2006-07-02

This is a new nebula from Meda. From looking at the pictures I can see that there is a small glitch with it in that there is a strait line at the edge of the nebula that needs to be fixed, but otherwise it's very good.

Version    Author  Medafusion  Website   
Downloads  625  Size  674.91 KB  Created  2006-07-02 



#1 willsk8forfood15 2006-07-02 16:57
Yes if you like medas work be sure to check out The Sands of Time. He's our main map items maker. And very good at that.
#2 Paul_M 2006-07-02 17:09
nice . but does it have any special effects ( like disable weapons ect ) ? . or just a plain nebula :-)
#3 AdmarilRyan 2006-07-04 03:39
Yes the texture needs a bit of work with reguards to its edges and it looks very patchy too. But overall not bad.
#4 Terradyhne 2006-07-04 06:30
darken the sprite for the nebula and you get rid of those "lined" edges,its the brightness of the sprite that make those edges visible if its to bright
#5 The_Sands_of_Time 2006-07-04 16:10
I call it teh medula :P
#6 STGamerNew2002 2006-07-05 22:59
It's a pretty simple nice nebula. And the 'lines' that are seen are very easily fixable. I have done so(and did a couple more changes to this nebula) and she's good as NEW. Too bad now 'animation' in it, but all and all, a nice one to add to the family of unexplored nebulas
#7 DR_Chaotica 2008-09-09 11:36
We need more nebulae!

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