Light Cruiser Refit Light Cruiser Refit

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Anakin Solo, 2002-06-26

This mod enhances the weapons on the Defiant, Saber, Venture, and Iwo Jima Class Starships

Starfleet Light Cruiser Refit Pack
By Anakin Solo

Disclaimer: I don't own Trek (though I wish I did).
I'm just borrowing it for a while and promise to put it back when I'm done.
Please don't sue me!

This includes the Defiant, Saber, Venture, and Iwo Jima Class Starships.
All have enhanced weapons.


ODF files 4
Ships: 4

Readme: 1

1. Open Star Trek Armada II folder
2. Open ODF folder
3. Open Ships folder
4. Hide copy of original files in a safe location
5. Copy new files (except readme) into Ships folder
6. Insert Armada II CD
7. Kick ass

Anakin Solo

Version    Author  Anakin Solo  Website  Website external 
Downloads  626  Size  7.04 KB  Created  2002-06-26 


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