Holo Deceptor
From The Readme:
This is the Federation's answer to not being allowed to have
a cloaking device.
This weapon produces a hologram around a ship so that it will
appear to be a non-combat ship. The weapon is set to be used
with the Sabre Class starship because it has no other special
weapon. When the ship is in hologram mode, it will look and
act as a cargo ship, however, it is incapable of adding to the
recourse count as a cargo ship can. It can, however pretend to
trade. This ship is useful for defending trade convoys or
allies with an element of surprise.
Holo-deceptor For Armada II
About the Weapon
This is the Federation\'s answer to not being allowed to have
a cloaking device.
This weapon produces a hologram around a ship so that it will
appear to be a non-combat ship. The weapon is set to be used
with the Sabre Class starship because it has no other special
weapon. When the ship is in hologram mode, it will look and
act as a cargo ship, however, it is incapable of adding to the
recourse count as a cargo ship can. It can, however pretend to
trade. This ship is useful for defending trade convoys or
allies with an element of surprise.
Unzip into the main Armada II directory. If your game is already
heavily modded, then copy
fdestroy2.odf and fholo.odf
into the odf\\ship directory and
change.odf and change2.odf
into the odf\\special_weapons directory and
holo.tga and holo2.tga
into the textures\\rgb directory
copy the following lines into the tech1.tt in the techtree directory
change.odf 0
change2.odf 0
fholo.odf 0
And these lines into gui_global.spr
b_change2 holo 0 0 64 64
b_change holo2 0 0 64 64
under where it says:
# Special weapon buttons
to uninstall, you will have needed to save a fresh copy
fdestroy2.odf and delete the files you have added
If you have any questions of comments please send them to
Version | Author | Interstellar Machine | Website | ||
Downloads | 1,010 | Size | 42.25 KB | Created | 2002-08-29 |
'hey whats that thing? oh its a comet, or should i say a sabre!'
this would be a good mod if comets were common, nice try though, it looks really cool