Hero ship refits Hero ship refits

(2 votes)
Raphael, 2003-02-08

The Federation's Enterprise-E has been changed so that it's stronger, special weapons recharge quicker and there are more crew aboard.
The Klingon's Martok battleship has been edited so that there's more special energy and the hull is stronger.
The Borg's queen's diamond has been changed with more hull strength, more spec energy, more sensor range, more drones and the weapons are now as strong as the fusion cube's.

Not a bad mod if you want the better ships to be even better and you don't know/have the time to mod

On the USS Enterprise-E, I have increased the max shields to 8000 (hull at 3000), shield absorption 1.0, special energy at 3500, special energy rate at 64 and 1200 crew

On the Borg Queen's Diamond, I have increased the hull integrity to 3000, max shields to 12000, health rate to 80.0, shield absorption 1.0, 4000 special energy, 64 special energy rate, sensor range 2000, 750 drones, hability to recrew, I changed the Borg Queen's Diamond default torpedoes by Fusion Cube torpedoes and the default phasers by the Tacticul Fusion Cube phasers.

On the Martok's Negh'Var, I have increased the max shields to 7000 (hull integrity at 3000), shield absorption and max special energy 2000.

Version    Author  Raphael  Website   
Downloads  956  Size  6.02 KB  Created  2003-02-08 



#1 Dark_Saber 2003-02-09 08:30
Hmmm... with the Queen's Diamond, seems kind of...how you say...unbalanced! Still is cool though. I like kicking ***** with the Borg!
#2 Guest 2003-03-07 08:44
i just didnt release lol, i made the the normal diamond build from a nexus and be called borg queens diamon 2, and mega sytrong, lol

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