gluckmiester mod prerelease
this is a prerelease of gluckmiester mod
changes made to original Armada2*****************************************************
-no warp---done
-ships travel slowly----done
-all ships have tractor beams----done
-all ships have speacial impulse engines that consume power but speed up ships---done
-all weapons cost 1 power unit each time they fire-----done only 4 phasers
-power does not recharge, special ships are used to repower vessels ecept for
8472&borg...they are infinite----not done
-shipyards now recharge all ships in their vicinity-----not done
-all borg ,fed and cardie ships have multitarget capability and stronger shields;
weapons are weaker----feds have multi target, borg have stronger shields, the rest is later
-all klingon, romulan, and 8472 have stronger weapons but weaker sheilds, and can only target
1 ship at a time----8472 has weaker shields----the rest still has to be done
-some special weapons are activated automatically---not done
-removed the corbomine reflector, and the romulan shield draining thing---done
instal instructions*******************************************************************
easy... unzip to the odf section...override everything it asks
that is all......................
small tip make a copy of armada2 and install it there that way u can still play online
and u dont have 2 reinstall the game if it nolonger works
also make sure ure installing it on a clean armada i dont know if it can mix with other mods
copyright activision
i take no responsibility if the mod screws up ure game
u can use the files in ure mod if u want... ure not obligated to ask me for
them but i would prefer if u did
plz post comments if u want this changed
also plz tell me about any problems in my code
if any1 knows how to make a tractor beam work on a ship w/ engines functional plz tell me
for more info plz visit this thread:
code- for the time being me & activision but this will hopefully change as ppl begin to help
models- for the time being Activision but this will hopefully change as ppl begin to help
Version | Author | gluckmiester | Website | ||
Downloads | 601 | Size | 737.97 KB | Created | 2004-07-10 |